Featured Conference

Brand Defense and Lifecycle Management for Mature Drugs
Protect Brand Revenue through Defensive Patenting, Franchising, Reformulation and Market Segmentation
February 9 – 10, 2006 * Philadelphia, PA

Visit the conference website for more information and to register.

With fewer truly innovative drugs in the pipeline and with the cost of bringing new drugs to market rising dramatically, companies need to maximize the value of existing products. More than $80 billion worth of global blockbuster drugs face U.S. patent expiration by 2007. Brand teams are now under pressure to deliver growth for existing products even with the growing generics market. This unfavorable market demands that brand and marketing teams reinvent and discover new strategies to extend the life of a mature product to maximize returns from their drug’s portfolio.

This conference discusses the need to defend and reinvent the mature brand to maximize returns. Martin A. Voet, the keynote presenter, discusses defensive patenting techniques to fend off generic erosion. Other industry leaders explore a brand’s profitability by evaluating the portfolio and sustaining profitability by capitalizing on innovative marketing approaches. Additionally, hear how brand value and brand loyalty play an integral role in defending the mature brand. This conference also revisits some once used marketing strategies and the possibility of resurrecting these strategies.

Visit the conference website for more information and to register.

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