Featured Conference

CBI’s 5th Annual eMarketing for the Pharmaceutical Industry
Design Targeted and Interactive eMarketing Campaigns to Influence Physician and Consumer Behavior March 6 – 7, 2006 * Philadelphia, PA

Visit the conference website for more information and to register.

Recent data suggests that pharmaceutical companies who leverage eMarketing as part of an integrated marketing and advertising strategy are poised to increase overall product awareness and empower patients to take action. CBI’s 5th Annual conference continues its tradition of bringing together experts in pharmaceutical eMarketing. The program features detailed case studies from some of the industry’s leading organizations and provides you with the information you need to improve customer contact and increase ROI.

Key Reasons to Attend:

  • PhRMA Keynote Address — “Understand PhRMA’s Guiding Principles on Direct to Consumer Advertising”
  • Two interactive panel discussion on consumer generated content and search engine marketing
  • Case studies and presentations from over 25 eMarketing executives

Hear what some of our previous attendees had to say:

“Highly comprehensive and informative!” – Kathy Meya, Creative Design, Roche Labs

“CBI’s 4th annual eMarketing conference was an excellent well-timed conference.  The conference and workshops were very interactive with a robust exchange of dialogue, ideas, concerns and relevant experiences.”  – R.J. Lewis, President, e-Healthcare Solutions, Inc.

“Highly valuable with lots of strategic focus and specific tactics.” — Robin Palley, President, Robin Palley and Associates

“Challenges presented with ‘real world’ solutions in the ever changing online healthcare market.” — Dina Kraemer, Director, Sales and Marketing, Health Benchmarks

“Helped to quickly bring me up to speed on the latest eDetailing and eMarketing trends.” — Mike Leo, Senior Product Manager, Real Networks

For more information or to register, please contact the Center for Business Intelligence toll free by phone at 1-800-817-8601 or via e-mail at cbireg@cbinet.com or visit the conference website.

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