Featured Conference

Medical Manufacturing Summit
April 30 – May 2, 2006 * PGA National Resort & Spa | Palm Beach Gardens, FL

Visit the conference website for more information and to register.

Medical device manufacturing presents unique challenges as compared to the manufacture of standard pharmaceutical and biotechnology products. While both industries are working against similar timelines focusing on patent expiration and time to market, medical devices are working under different circumstances when looking at sterilization, quality assurance and validation processes – all of which are of great importance when striving to streamline manufacturing while maintaining regulatory compliance. Leaders in the industry feel that the device industry is “radically different” from the other various categories of products being monitored by the FDA. One of the reasons for this dichotomy is that medical devices are essentially an engineered product, so advances in these advices do not come from new indications, diseases or ingredients, but rather from engineering and design innovation.

Throughout the past several years, advancements within the design and development of new medical devices has led to great challenges in the manufacture of large quantities of these products. These new devices represent tremendous progress in the design of new and life altering devices, but also represent a tremendous challenge in the manufacturing environment where increased precision and increasingly miniature devices are being produced en-masse. Coupled with these challenges are increasingly stringent regulatory policies and augmented fine structures for organizations facing non-compliance scenarios.

The Medical Manufacturing Summit provides an exclusive and unparalleled opportunity for senior-level executives in the industry to network, evaluate current practices and strategies, and to explore new products and services.

Unique Format of the Summit
The summit is comprised of a three-day case study-driven executive program. Industry leaders will provide valuable insight into strategic manufacturing processes through various media including:

  • Keynote Presentations
  • Panel Discussions
  • Interactive Think Tanks
  • One-on-One Business Meetings

For more information and to register contact the Marketing Department at 246.417.5325 | marketing@marcuesvansbb.com or visit the conference website.

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