Featured Conference

Pharma Market Research Excellence
Overcoming the loss of prescription level data and defining the role of market research in adverse event reporting amid other challenges in today’s evolving pharma landscape
October 11 – 12, 2007 * Philadelphia, PA

For more information or to register, please visit the conference website.

Budget cuts, regulatory changes, loss of prescription level data and overall market uncertainties are forcing market researchers to rethink current practices and strategies. Market research needs to restructure and become more innovative to adopt and navigate in the ever evolving and complex market place. This conference will provide you with case studies, methodologies, and tools and tips to overcome these challenges as well as enhance current market research strategies to obtain better ROI.

Key Speakers

  • Sanjiv Sharma, Vice-President of Commercial Affairs, NicOx Inc.
  • Richard Vanderveer, Ph.D., Group Chief Executive Officer, GfK U.S. Healthcare Companies

Key Topics

  • An overview of the constant evolving landscape of the pharma industry and how it is carving a new role for market research
  • Adverse event reporting in market research
  • The potential loss of prescription level data and its impact on market research
  • Identifying innovative segmentation research methods
  • Exploring new market research methodologies and making it work for you in today’s changing environment

Key Features

  • Learn how to navigate through the loss of prescription level data
  • Understand how the industry is evolving and its impact on market research activities
  • Discover the latest regulations that will impact market research and learn how to navigate through them
  • Uncover how adverse event reporting is important to market research and how to incorporate it into market research

For more information or to register, please visit the conference website.

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