Featured Conference

PharmaBrand Summit 2005

September 25 – 27 , 2005 * The Greenbrier, West Virginia

Visit the conference website for more information and to register.

The PharmaBrand Summit brings together industry experts to share actual experiences on their challenges and success in increasing the competitiveness of their products.

By attending the PharmaBrand Summit 2005, you will learn proven methods and strategies to meet today’s complex industry challenges in order to increase your profit potential and gain a competitive advantage. Hear from industry leaders on concepts, best practices and innovative ways of reaching and retaining desired markets challenged with ever-evolving regulation and shifts in consumer opinions and purchasing. They will also explore the development and management of strategic alliances, lifecycle management issues, globalization trends, managed care initiatives and establishing and maintaining a winning brand image.

Unique Format of the Summit

Time and Cost Effectiveness

By attending our Summits, the delegates are able to attend private, mutually selected, pre-scheduled one-on-one meetings in key areas of need within their organization…without the interruption of phones, assistants and employees. They are able to focus on you and your solutions, in a private and captive environment without fear of interrupting their own business schedule.

Selecting the Solution Providers of Their Own Choice

As corporate America continues to learn of the pivotal role of our delegates in the final decision-making process, our delegates are bombarded by unsolicited phone calls and sales approaches. Our delegates attend our Summits to meet with pre-qualified Solution Providers of their choosing in their key areas of need.

Networking with Peers and Colleagues

At our Summits, Peers are able to seek and share advice with the leading industry experts, during both formal and informal networking opportunities. Delegates share information with each other away from shareholders and the media, to gain valuable insight about shared trouble areas and emerging trends.

Continuing Education Program

Through case study presentations, think tanks and breakout sessions, delegates remain updated in key areas of their purvey. Specific off-the-record conversations take place on critical issues in private session.

Topics to be Covered Include:
Past Attendees and prospective speakers have identified the following issues as centrally important to their brand management initiatives and, therefore, they will be reflected heavily in the subject and case studies covered at this event.

  • The World of DTC and Future Developments
  • Globalization, Parallel Importation and the FDA’s Approach to Pharmaceutical Pricing
  • Marketing to Physicians – New Initiatives as the Industry Transforms
  • Sales Force Access to the Physician – Identifying Channels and Methods that Work
  • The New Age Pharma: Product Development, Managed Care and Globalization
  • Establishing your Brand & Sustaining Product Life
  • Strategic Marketing: Techniques to Effectively Reach your Physicians

Visit the Summit Program page for more information.

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