Scott Weintraub


Scott Weintraub is a co-Founder and President of Relevate Health Group.  Relevate Health Group’s mission is to provide Relevant communications to inspire healthier communities.  They focus on marketing communications within the Pharmaceutical / Life science industries and Hospitals / Hospital systems.  Within the pharmaceutical industry, Relevate Health Group has worked with all 10 of the Top 10 global pharmaceutical companies applying their best practices in Regional/Local Marketing.  Relevate Health Group has been named to several “best of” marketing awards including an Inc. 500 “Fastest Growing Pharmaceutical Marketing Company” award.  Scott was a finalist in the Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year award and has been named a PharmaVOICE 100 most inspiring leaders in life sciences.  Released in 2015, Scott is the co-author of Results: The Future of Pharmaceutical & Healthcare Marketing, a book examining current and future trends in shaping the industry for marketers.

In addition, Scott is a professor at Rutgers University, where he teaches Introduction to Pharmaceutical Marketing.  Scott is an ex-board member and currently an active member of Entrepreneurs Organization.  After graduating from Penn State University with a degree in Industrial Engineering, Scott obtained his MBA from the University of Cincinnati.  Scott honed his marketing skills while being a Brand Manager and Marketing Director in his 15 years’ experience at Procter & Gamble and Pfizer.

