4th Annual Early Stage Product Development and Commercialization Strategies for the Bio/Pharmaceutical and Medical...

The development of new drugs continues to be a long and expensive process.

4th Annual Summit on Post-Marketing Studies

Design Post-Approval Studies for Improved Safety and Risk Assessment while Meeting Clinical, Marketing and Regulatory Objectives

7th Annual Pharmaceutical Contact Centers

Maximize Value through Customer Service Excellence, Quality Control, Improved Process Management and Enhanced Technology Suppor

5th Annual Pharmaceutical Marketing Compliance Congress

The event is the premier industry meeting place for senior level pharmaceutical executives looking to network with and learn from industry experts in the areas of legal, regulatory and compliance.

2nd Annual Medical Science Liaison Skill Set Training

Performance-Based Tools for Building Long-Lasting Relationships with Key Customers while Ensuring Compliant and Appropriate Dissemination of Scientific Information

6th Annual Pharmaceutical Product Launches Summit

Leverage Pre-Launch Market Positioning Strategies for Accelerated Product Uptake

3rd Annual Forum on Strategic Publication Planning

The forum discusses strategies for ensuring compliance with new disclosure and registry guidelines while effectively getting the right message across to the right audience.

4th Annual Forum on Patient Adherence, Compliance and Persistency

Realise Increased ROI by Maximising the Effectiveness of Education, Patient Assistance and Technology

4th Annual Defining Appropriate and Effective Interactions with Thought Leaders and Key Opinion Leaders...

This Annual Forum provides a unique platform for clinical, medical affairs, MSLs, marketing and also academic institutions to interact and discuss strategies for successful collaboration with KOLs throughout the product lifecycle.

9th Annual Guidelines for Disseminating Off-Label Information

Balance Scientific Discussion with Promotion in an Environment of Increased Regulatory Scrutiny


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