Pharma Marketing News Vol. 9, #10: DECEMBER 2010

Welcome to the DECEMBER 2010 issue of Pharma Marketing News. This is the Executive Summary. This executive summary includes links to ALL the DECEMBER 2010 articles.

Pharma Marketing News Vol. 9, #10: DECEMBER 2010

Welcome to the DECEMBER 2010 issue of Pharma Marketing News. This is the Executive Summary. This executive summary includes links to ALL the DECEMBER 2010 articles.

New Media Privacy Issues & Online Health Marketing

Recently, online privacy issues have been in the news as Congress exams whether it should enact legislation requiring a do-not-track function in Web browsers to allow consumers to opt out of the extensive data collection by Internet companies. This article is a summary of A Center for Digital Democracy complaint filed with the FTC and a review of the issues. The article also includes a compilation of more than two dozen 'innovative

Ad Execs Not Viewed as Innovative By Americans Says AstraZeneca Survey

Sorry to break this to you, but Americans don't think advertising executives are very innovative. The AZ survey shows that Americans think advertising executives are only as innovative as teachers, but much less innovative than doctors, artists, engineers, or scientists.

Pfizer’s SamplesDirect eSampling Program

Pfizer has become the latest drug company to offer doctors the option of using the Internet to order free samples of its drugs, a trend illustrating the diminished role of sales representatives, whose ranks continue to decrease. The service is called SamplesDirect.

Capturing & Reporting HCP-Related Meeting Spending

Life Science companies are struggling to understand the complex reporting requirements and compliance issues presented by existing and new regulations like the Sunshine Act. This article is a summary of a Webinar by StarCite, which defined what pharma marketers and meeting planners need to know when it comes to meetings-related HCP reporting.

Physician-Generated Content on Social Media Sites

This article highlights results of a survey of physician members of DocCheck, a leading European physician online social network and portal site. The survey assessed the type of networks used, the frequency of posting, motivation for posting, estimation of network usage, relevance of content posted and an evaluation of the importance of online physician-generated content in the future.

Pharma Marketing News Vol. 9, #9: NOVEMBER 2010

Welcome to the NOVEMBER 2010 issue of Pharma Marketing News. This is the Executive Summary. This executive summary includes links to ALL the NOVEMBER 2010 articles.

Getting Market Research Right in the Middle East

If the Middle East was a single country, it would be the fifth largest market in the world in terms of GDP. The sales of pharmaceuticals in the Middle East surpasses 20 billion US dollars per year and is growing by 10 to 15% per year. This is the second in a series of three articles highlighting points made by Kantar Health executives in a recent webinar titled 'Getting It Right in the Emerging Markets: Identifying the opportunities and avoiding the pitfalls in conducting market research in new geographies.'

Pharma Marketing News Vol. 9, #9: NOVEMBER 2010

Welcome to the NOVEMBER 2010 issue of Pharma Marketing News. This is the Executive Summary. This executive summary includes links to ALL the NOVEMBER 2010 articles.


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