From Nalty to “Nalts”: The Transformation of a Pharma Marketing Director into a “Viral...

While Kevin Nalty worked during the day as Con-sumer Product Director at Merck, where he marketed Propecia, at night and on weekends he was making comedic videos for YouTube -- a few of which were critical of drug ads, marketing, and medical conditions. Read this interesting story and learn how not to get fired doing new media marketing.

Pharma Marketing News Vol. 8, #5

Welcome to the May 2009 issue of Pharma Marketing News.

Pharma Marketing News Vol. 8, #4

Welcome to the April 2009 issue of Pharma Marketing News.

Pharma Marketing News Vol. 8, #4

Welcome to the April 2009 issue of Pharma Marketing News.

Developing Guidelines for Pharma’s Use of the Internet & Social Media: Whatever! A Call...

Shouldn't we make sure that when it comes time for the FDA to actually create a guidance document on social media that it does it with input from ALL stakeholders? Survey results.

The Empowered Patient: What It Means for Pharma Marketers

This article presents a case for the drug industry to adopt a patient-centric model in which pharma companies can develop unique expertise in decoding the behavior, needs, motivations of empowered patients and then use this knowledge as the basis for helping healthcare professionals and payers to put into place programs that achieve better patient outcomes.

Socially Challenged Pharma: How Ready is Pharma to Engage In Social Media?

This article summarizes the recent Digital Pharma Europe congress where it was the time right to see that European pharma marketers are also interested in new/social/digital media in pharma, but may be more constrained by regulators than their brethern in the US.

Report from the Social Pharmer “Unconference”: Sowing Seeds of Social Media Change?

This article summarizes key presentations made at the April 21, 2009, Social Pharmer 'unconference' where leading pahram social media proponents presnted ideas on how the industry can overcome the barriers.

Pharma Marketing News Vol. 8, #5

Welcome to the May 2009 issue of Pharma Marketing News.

Pharma’s Bad Rep or Bad Rap: Whatever! The Drug Industry Must Earn Back the...

This article summarizes the results of the 'How to Earn Back the Public's Trust' survey hosted by Pharma Marketing News between February 4, 2009 and March 14, 2009 , including selected comments from respondents and other commentators.


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