Pharma Marketing News Vol. 7, #10

Welcome to the December, 2008 issue of Pharma Marketing News.

Pharma Marketing News Vol. 7, #10

Welcome to the December, 2008 issue of Pharma Marketing News.

Prepare or Die!

Usually, at this time of the year, editors look back on the major stories of the past year. Let's be different and look forward to the New Year!

The Changing Policy Landscape

The two traditional means by which pharmaceutical marketers have relied on for many, many years to encourage the uptake of new pharmaceutical products -- direct-to-consumer (DTC) advertising and physician marketing -- are about to change. Prepare now for the coming FDA and pharmaceutical marketing reforms.

Patient Assistance Program Rankings

Market Strategies' 2008 MSImage Oncology Patient Assistance Program is a syndicated study that identified what oncologists and oncology practice managers perceive to be the top pharmaceutical PAPs in the industry. The study identified how PAPs influence overall corporate image among physicians, what performance measures drive a pharmaceutical company's PAP image, and which companies are perceived as having the best PAPs.


To paraphrase General Patton, 'Daschle, you magnificent bastard, we read your book!' Which is what all pharmaceutical executives and marketers should do. After all, Daschle warns that the 'health-care industry would have to reconsider its business model' and he include pharmaceutical companies as part of the health-care industry. For those among you who do not have time to read Daschle's book, Pharma Marketing News has done it for you. This article summarizes the main points Daschle makes and reveals his plan for 'fixing' the problem.

Reforming the FDA

Possibly the most important political change facing the pharmaceutical industry in 2006 is who will be the new FDA Commissioner. Various stakeholders -- including executives and staffers working within the pharmaceutical industry, agents and vendors to the industry, healthcare professionals, members of the general public, and staffers within government health agencies -- have divergent opinions on who should be the commissioner and why. This article summarizes the results of a recent survey of such stakeholders.

Pharma Marketing News Vol. 7, #9

Welcome to the November, 2008 issue of Pharma Marketing News.

Pharma Marketing News Vol. 7, #9

Welcome to the November, 2008 issue of Pharma Marketing News.

Time for a New & Improved FDA Commissioner

Who will Obama nominate to replace von Eschenbach?


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