Pharma Marketing Roundtable

This article explains how you can join the Roundtable discussion board and benefit from being a member!

New Social Media Regulatory Framework

Envision Solutions and TNS Media Intelligence/Cymfony teamed up to write a white paper, which summarized a new social media monitoring and marketing regulatory framework for pharmaceutical companies. This article takes a critical look at the Framework and offers further insights into the regulatory issues it raises.

Diversity in Pharma

Who and where are the role models in the pharmaceutical industry for people of color trying to make it in the industry? I think it would be a great idea to seek out these professionals and have them tell their stories.

Mapping New Paths through the DTC Marketing Mix Maze

In this article, experts at the Brand and Communications Division of TNS explain how marketers can apply a common way of measuring marketing effectiveness across the full spectrum of media from traditional to non-traditional and also examine what are the keys to a successful DTC product Web site.

Mapping New Paths through the DTC Marketing Mix Maze

In this article, experts at the Brand and Communications Division of TNS explain how marketers can apply a common way of measuring marketing effectiveness across the full spectrum of media from traditional to non-traditional and also examine what are the keys to a successful DTC product Web site.

Accomplishing Adherence

This article reviews presentations made at the recent eyeforpharma Patient Adherence and Persistence Summit including a presentation by David Baker, VP & General Manager of Shire's ADHD Business Unit, who presented on 'Best Practices for Fostering Adherence.' He used the ADHD market as a case study.

Medical Transcript Advertising

This article reviews advertRx and advoiceRx, physician point-of-care marketing solutions offered by datumRx, a California-based company.

Pharma Marketing News Editorial Calendar

Pharma Marketing News is the monthly e-newsletter of the Pharma Marketing Network ( It is packed with facts, opinions, and case studies based upon interviews with experts in the field of pharmaceutical marketing. Highlights of presentations from industry conferences, contact lists for experts consulted, and links to references help susbcribers keep up to date on best practices and network with their peers.

Awards. What Are They Good For?

Oh Yeah! Awards are good for parties!

Collaborating with Online Physician Communities

Pfizer and Sermo -- a Web-based community where physicians share observations from daily practice, discuss emerging trends and provide new insights into medications, devices and treatments -- recently announced a 'strategic collaboration designed to redefine the way physicians in the U.S. and the healthcare industry work together to improve patient care.'


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