Develop Effective Online Compliance Programs: Leverage Health Beliefs
According to a Jupiter survey, consumers don't manage their health online because they have low confidence in their ability to use online health resources to improve their health. Pharmaceutical marketers must leverage health beliefs and models to design comparatively more effective adherence-related online marketing programs.
Applying FDA Marketing Regulations to Internet Promotions
Preeti Pinto, M.S., Senior Director Promotional Regulatory Affairs, AstraZeneca, summarizes the most commonly cited DTC marketing violations found on pharmaceutical company web pages.
Cost-Cutting Strategies for the Pharma Industry
Pharma Marketing News hosted an online Pharma Cost Cutting Survey between February 22, 2005, and March 18, 2005. Respondents indicated how likely they thought pharma companies would adopt several cost-cutting strategies within the next six months. This article presents a summary of the results.
Marketing’s Role in Limiting Physician Access and What to Do About It
The pharmaceutical industry has only itself to blame for limited physician access and two minute sales calls.
You May Walk Like a Duck and Quack Like a Duck, But You’re No...
There are two kinds of marketers -- brand marketers and direct marketers. In the world according to Jon Roska, CEO & Chief Creative Officer of Roska Direct, a Montgomeryville, PA direct advertising agency, brand marketers are hens (i.e., chickens) and direct marketers are ducks and both vie for the attention of the farmer (i.e., pharma client). The question is, Can chickens and ducks work together to provide the farmer with the best of both kinds of marketing?
Relationship Marketing Program Management for Pharmaceutical Marketers
This article reviews the Optas relationship marketing management solution, which provides pharmaceutical marketer-friendly tools and interface for managing multiple DTC campaigns.
DTC in 2005: Can You Teach Old Dogs New Tricks?
Summary of 2004 DTC Industry Checkup survey.
Numbers, Math and Communicating Risk
This article examines the numbers from Vioxx trials to illustrate how difficult it may be to communicate risk and benefit to consumers.
Does the FDA Need to be Overhauled?
Does the FDA Need to be Overhauled? By John Mack (Bio) SUMMARY The Vioxx withdrawal put the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) under...
Does the FDA Need to be Overhauled?
In the wake of the VIOXX withdrawal, critics have suggested that FDA needs to reform how it regulates the drug industry. Many suggestions for reform have been suggested.