It’s the Science, Stupid!

There is no doubt that the industry needs to do a much better job communicating drug benefits and risks to consumers. How will they do this if the population at large is scientifically illiterate? Also, how can the drug industry focus on this problem if its leaders are not grounded in science?

cDetailing: Addressing the Consumer Education Gap

Consumer Detailing by Medsite is a novel rich-media online consumer disease education and drug information program.

The Evolving Impact of Anti-Spam Legislation on Online Marketers

In the last year the FTC has issued regulations that set forth additional requirements under the federal CAN-SPAM act that you should be aware of.

To Ban or Not to Ban DTC? That Was the Question!

This article takes a critical look at Sen. Frist's proposal to reform DTC. The article includes reactions to the Frist proposal from PhRMA, AMA, advertising trade associations, and from members of the PHARMA-MKTING online discussion group.

Marketing the Pharma Industry: The Empire Strikes Back

This article gives a spirited review of a recent Pharmaceutical Marketers Knowledgeshare Forum and includes a composite overview of the action plan developed by attendees for the pharma industry to regain trust.

Translate Industry Trends into the Optimal Promotional Strategy

This is a summary of a recent presentation by David L. Stern, Vice President of Marketing for Metabolic and Endocrinology at Serono, Inc. Stern spoke from a marketer's perspective about recent trends in the pharmaceutical industry and how to address them by developing better marketing programs.

A Call to Action: A Mea Non Culpa by Big Pharma

A review of the book 'A Call to Action' by Pfizer CEO Dr. Hank McKinnell. This review focuses on the 10 action items McKinnell promulgates. Notwithstanding an review of the book written by Peter Rost -- Pfizer's whistleblowing head of endocrine care marketing unit -- in which McKinnell is described as making 'an impressive mea culpa,' this book is actually a mea non culpa! Find out why..

Restrict DTC, but Extend the Patent for New Drugs

When the leading Republican member of Congress and a contender for the next president of the United States says it's time for the pharmaceutical industry to 'clean up it's act' and suggests banning DTC advertising of new drugs for 2 years after launch, you know that you are in trouble. Should the industry fight back or 'suffer the slings and arrows of politicians' until it all blows over? If it fights back, how should it fight back?

Compliance with (Some) New ACCME Rules Not So Easy

A panel of experts at a recent continuing medical education conference discussed issues relating to the compliance with the 2004 Updated ACCME Standards for Commercial Support: Standards to Ensure the Independence of CME.

Protecting Your Brand with Anti-Counterfeiting Solutions

This article reviews Cardinal Health's portfolio of brand security technologies.


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