Pharma Marketing News Vol. 4, #11

Vol. 4, No. 11: December 2005 Welcome to the December, 2005 issue of Pharma Marketing News. Subscribe Now to get the current and future...

Blogs and the Pharmaceutical Industry

This article presents the basics of blogging and offers several examples of how pharmaceutical companies and marketers can use blogs effectively without shooting themselves in the foot!

DocCheck: Das Portal

This article describes the services offered by DocCheck and specifically focuses on the portal's market research and physician-targeting capabilities, which any pharmaceutical marketer wishing to do professional marketing in Germany should know more about.

Generation Rx: A History and Critique of Pharma “Tribal Marketing”

This article reviews the book Generation Rx and focuses on the roles of several key pharmaceutical marketing pioneers as described in the book.

“Tribal Marketing”

Tribal marketing n. A marketing strategy that attempts to create social groups or communities that are centered around a product or service. The credo of tribal marketing is that postmodern people are looking for products and services that not only enable them to be freer, but can also link them to others, to a community, to a tribe.

GSK Strikes Back with a Grassroots Campaign

Mike Pucci, Vice President of External Affairs at GlaxoSmithKline, discusses his strategy to get the word out about the good that the pharmaceutical industry is doing.

Global Digital Asset Brand Management

There is a need to leverage rich media content across Rx brands and marketing campaigns on a global scale. This article is a review of ClearStory Systems' ActiveMedia, which is an example of a next-generation digital asset management (DAM) solution for managing rich media.

Pharma Marketing News Vol. 4, #10

Vol. 4, No. 10: November 2005 Welcome to the November, 2005 issue of Pharma Marketing News. Subscribe Now to get the current and future...

Sales Rep Assessment: Shoot the Messenger, the Message, or Both?

This article is a review of Metamorph, Inc.'s methodology of using specially trained physicians to assess and validate sales strategy, marketing messages and sales aids of pharmaceutical companies based on real-time calls with reps using a standardised set of data points.

Pharma Marketing Blog a “Must Read”

Last week my quest for blogging stardom got a big boost -- the Wall Street Journal cited Pharma Marketing Blog as a blog insiders should read to stay current!


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