Physician Adoption and Use of Technology at the Point of Care

This article provides insight from experts such as Mark Bard, President of Manhattan Research and David Kibbe, M.D., Director, Healthcare Information Technology, American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), on the impact of new technologies at the point of care on pharmaceutical sales and marketing.

The Role of Tablet PCs in Pharma Sales and Marketing

This article summarizes different aspects of this latest innovation in portability and performance and how they could be used to increase sales force effectiveness in both the primary care and hospital-based environments.

Strategies for Enhanced Physician Targeting and Segmentation

Richard B. Vanderveer, Ph.D., CEO of the global pharmaceutical marketing and research firm V2 GfK, presents strategies for enhanced physician targeting and segmentation.

No More Free Lunch in California?

The California legislature recently passed SB 1765 (aka, 'fair drug marketing bill'), which requires pharma companies to comply with PhRMA and OIG Guidelines. this article summarizes the provisions of this bill, which is currently awaiting signature by Governor Schwarzenegger.

Drug Reimportation Issues Examined: Survey Results

This article summarizes the results of a recent Pharma Marketing News Survey on this topic.

OpEd: Vioxx Withdrawal and the “Me-Too Drug Domino Effect”

Vioxx Withdrawal and the "Me-Too Drug Domino Effect" OpEd by John Mack Merck's "voluntary" withdrawal of Vioxx...

Congress Fiddles While Reimportation Issue Burns

Several drug re-importation bills are currently being considered in Congress.

Becoming Woman Wise: Marketing Healthcare to Women

Women account for more than half of the population in the United States and it makes absolute sense to market to women where, when, and how they choose.

Accelerating Your Multicultural Communications

Multicultural communications can be a powerful addition to the armamentarium of the healthcare marketer.

How Cheap are Canada’s Drugs Really?

This article compares pharmaceutical prices paid by governments in the United States and Canada.


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