Pharma Marketing News Vol. 3, #10 Archive

Dear Reader, Welcome to the November/December 2004 archive of Pharma Marketing News. Vol. 3, No. 10: November/December 2004 - CONTENTS...

The Truth About the Drug Companies: What To Do About It

You can't go to a pharma industry conference these days without hearing at least one expert speaker recommending that pharma executives read the book 'The Truth About the Drug Companies: How They Deceive Us and What to do About It,' written by Marcia Angell, MD, former editor in chief of The New England Journal of Medicine. This review includes several point-counter point views regarding Angell's arguments by pharmaceutical and healthcare experts, including members of the PHARMA-MKTING online discussion group.

Creating a Successful DTC Campaign on the Inside

While most major direct-to-consumer (DTC) advertising campaigns in the medical device and pharmaceutical industries are created and managed by outside agencies, outsourcing a DTC marketing campaign can be expensive. When budgets are lean-as they are in today's marketplace-marketers need to look at how much can be done with in-house resources. But with fewer people being asked to do more than ever, how does a company handle bringing more of the work in-house?

A Novel Approach to Communicating with Physicians

This article describes a patent-pending technology developed by MagicMedia Communications. It offers a novel way for pharmaceutical sales representatives to 'talk' to a doctor…even when face-to-face discussion is not possible!

Is Your Medical Device Ready for Consumers?

It's not always clear whether your marketing dollars should be spent on DTC marketing. Amy Siegel, Vice President, Health Advances, LLC, a healthcare strategy consulting company located in Weston, MA, offered some clear advice on how to determine if DTC is appropriate for a medical device.

Will COX-2 Inhibitors Crash and Burn?

This article documents the effect of the withdrawal of Vioxx and other COX-2 revelations on physicians' prescribing behavior using data from ImpactRx. Also included are results from a recent survey we conducted of Pharma Marketing News susbcribers regarding the wisdom of Pfizer's decision to test Celebrex to see if it is able to prevent heart attacks and strokes in patients with serious cardiovascular disease.

Will COX-2 Inhibitors Crash and Burn?

This article documents the effect of the withdrawal of Vioxx and other COX-2 revelations on physicians' prescribing behavior using data from ImpactRx. Also included are results from a recent survey we conducted of Pharma Marketing News susbcribers regarding the wisdom of Pfizer's decision to test Celebrex to see if it is able to prevent heart attacks and strokes in patients with serious cardiovascular disease.

OpEd: Corporate “Moral Values” Anyone?

A few days after Merck pulled Vioxx from the market it was revealed that the drug manufacturer may have known about Vioxx's cardiovascular side effect problems for years and tried very hard to conceal the evidence and block any action by the FDA. While this was going on an estimated 27,000 people suffered heart attacks and who knows how many strokes possibly due to Vioxx! hard to conceal the evidence and block any action by the FDA. While this was going on an estimated 27,000 people suffered heart attacks and who knows how many strokes possibly due to Vioxx! If this obstructionism by Merck is true, then someone should pay.

Pharma Marketing News Vol. 3, #9 Preview

Vol. 3, No. 9: October 2004 - PREVIEW The following are summaries of articles planned for the upcoming October 2004 issue of Pharma Marketing News....

Pharma Marketing News Vol. 3, #9 Archive

Dear Reader, Welcome to the October 2004 archive of Pharma Marketing News. Vol. 3, No. 9: October 2004 - CONTENTS ...


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