Bloggers operating in the Pharma BlogosphereTM are now sought after as speakers and panelists at industry meetings. Last week, I and several other bloggers participated in a couple of different conferences. In one case, the conference organizers kept the identity of panel members a closely-guarded secret (see “Mystery Blog Panel Revealed“).
I have a dream — to put together a “dream” panel of pharma bloggers based on your input.
Please help me out.
Select your dream members by taking the following poll. You will be able to see the results after you vote. If I left someone off the list, please add that name to the comments to this post.
Select the Members of YOUR “Dream” Pharma Blogger Panel | |
Mack/Pharma Marketing Blog | |
Myer/World of DTC Marketing | |
Silverman/Pharmalot | |
Insider/PharmaGossip | |
Giles/Pharma Giles | |
Shanley/On Pharma | |
Hensley et al/WSJ Health Blog | |
Rost/NRx | |
Fard/HealthcareVOX | |
Woodruff/Impactiviti | |
Senak/EyeOnFDA | |
Carlat/The Carlat Pschiatry Blog | |
Anonymous/PharmaFraud | |
Lowe/In the Pipeline | |
Monseau/JNJ Blog | |
Pitts/Drug Wonks | |
Someone Else/Not Listed | |