NOTE: This interview has been rescheduled for Tuesday, April 6, 2010 at 2:00 PM EDT.

Dennis Urbaniak, VP U.S. Diabetes and former VP of Innovation and New Customer Channels, Sanofi-Aventis, called what’s happening on the Wall of his company’s VOICES Facebook page a “key learning experience.” He made this comment in a call to me last week. To explain what he meant by that, I invited Mr. Urbaniak to be a guest on my Pharma Marketing Talk show this week (click here for details).

What Sanofi-Aventis Learned from Its FaceBook Experience & What the Experts Recommend It Do Now

Dennis UrbaniakA conversation with Dennis Urbaniak, VP U.S. Diabetes at sanofi-aventis, about the recent activity on S-A’s VOICES corporate Facebook page. We’ll discuss the lessons learned and hear advice from independent experts. Urbaniak is willing to answer questions and consider advice from listeners.

A FREE Pharma Marketing Talk LIVE Podcast and Online Chat!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010 * 2:00 PM Eastern US

This will be the FIRST time that Dennis Urbaniak/S-A will speak on this issue to the “press” (me) and in an open forum.

I warned Urbaniak that this is a LIVE interview and that people can call in with questions or post questions in a live chat window. He responded by saying that he welcomed the discussion and would listen to any recommendations from experts and critics alike. This is the best way to really learn something from the experience and help the industry do a better job in the future.

So, I welcome all the “experts” out there who think they can contribute to the “learning experience” to not only listen in, but to call in and join the discussion. The number to call is (347) 996-5894. Talk to you then!