The #pso hashtag in Twitter! Hashtags are used in the Twittersphere to allow you to follow all the Tweets about a specific topic. There are no rules for developing a hashtag; you just come up with one and announce it. Amgen announced yesterday it would use the #pso hashtag when it live-tweets about the Addressing Psoriasis(TM) Fashion Show today:

“Amgen tweeting tomorrow live from Addressing Psoriasis(TM) Fashion Show. Tim Gunn is hosting the event. Hope to see you here! #pso

Get it? p, s, and o are the first three letters in the word “psoriasis.”

Why is Amgen tweeting about this show? Here’s why:

“Amgen and Wyeth announced the eight winners of the Addressing Psoriasis contest, which recognizes people with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis who have tried not to allow the condition to inhibit their personal style. The winners will help raise public awareness of the condition by walking the runway in the Addressing Psoriasis Fashion Show hosted by television host and fashion consultant, Tim Gunn (“Project Runway,” and “Tim Gunn’s Guide to Style”), on Sept. 2, 2009.”

Unfortunately, the #pso hashtag is also being used by Phone Sex Operators according to @WendyBlackburn and for fans of the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra.

Here are a few other Tweets you’ll find using the #pso hastag:

“Are you a veteran PSO, or someone looking to get into the business? We have openings fabulous low drama company with unsurpassed support!”

“Getting ready for PSO on-sale at noon. Scores of classical music fans, waving money in my face. Hope they’re not too rowdy … “

So, you’ll have to wade through all these other PSO’s to find out more about the Addressing Psoriasis Fashion Show. Or you can just follow @Amgen.

My advice to Amgen and all others who want to use Twitter hashtags: (1) do some research first, and (2) use a longer hashtag that is more likely to be unique. Of course, #psoriasis won’t do. While it’s easy to remember, nobody can spell the damn word!