Some readers of this blog may know that I also host a podcast called Pharma Marketing Talk, which is a biweekly online and archived streaming audio “talk radio show” that you can listen to live or download to your iPod (or other portable MP3 player).

Yesterday, the topic was Web 2.0 for Pharma Marketing and my guests were:

  • Dmitriy Kruglyak, Trusted.MD and Publisher of the Medical Blog Network
  • Mark Gleason, HyGro Consulting Group
  • Unity Stoakes, President, OrganizedWisdom

The return on investments for traditional pharma marketing channels — TV, drug reps, print — is declining. A new approach to the way forward in pharma marketing is needed. Is it time for the pharmaceutical industry to take the advice of some of its critics and use the new Web 2.0 tools available to it and extricate itself from its moribund situation of declining ROI? This program will feature a discussion with experts in physician and consumer marketing using “social networking’ and other Web 2.0 technologies. Also, see “YouPharma(tm): A Brave New World of Marketing?

You can listen to the archive here: