For the past few years I have been following and reporting on mobile health initiatives, campaigns, and apps developed by pharmaceutical companies. I’ve collected these articles, blog posts, and podcasts in one BIG compendium: the Pharma Mobile & mHealth Reprint Catalog (FREE!).

A few pharma mobile initiatives are good, many are not so good, and a few are just awful and potentially dangerous such as a physician diagnosis mobile app recalled by Pfizer (read “The First Ever ‘Dear Doctor’ Letter Regarding a Mobile Medical App Recall“).

Regardless of the results, I believe it is important to recognize the pioneers within the pharmaceutical industry who are leading the way in developing mobile solutions for physicians and/or patients. That’s why I am expanding the scope of my annual PharmaGuy Social Media Pioneer Award to include Mobile as well.

Here’s how you can help me in my quest for Pharma Mobile Pioneers.

#1: Help Me Find Pioneers 

If you know someone — or some team — working within a biopharma company who you believe is a pioneer in this area, use the form below to tell me about this person or team. You can nominate yourself to be considered! Please explain the reason why you feel the person or persons you name deserves recognition (include relevant links). A short bio or links to where I can contact this person and find out more information would also be helpful. Even if you/they do not receive the Award, I can tell your/their story like I did in this podcast: “Pharma Brand Ads Within Mobile Apps.”  

#2: Answer a Few Questions Regarding Mobile App Design, Development and Success

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Note: I will be moderating a panel discussion at the The World Congress mPharma Summit in Boston on July 22, 2015. Hopefully, this panel will include at least one Pharma Mobile Pioneer to help us answer the questions above as well as these additional questions:

  • How do you deal with the gap between the potential and actual impact of an app? 
  • What issues arise when working with technology/software developers? 
  • What’s the value in certifying an app or having it rated by a third party?