I read with interest over at PharmaGossip that Pfizer may be planning an OTC Viagra spray. My vision of the product can be seen on the left.

Actually, the story “Pfizer Viagra spray set to revolutionize drugs market” appears in The Business, a UK publication. See the Pharma Marketing Network Forum for the full story.

It’s interesting to note this might be in reaction to Viagra’s loss of market share outside the US and its struggle against counterfeit product in countries like China.

“Last year, Viagra earned Pfizer $1.6bn (£800m, E1.2bn) worldwide. But its money-spinning status has been hit by counterfeit versions widely available on the internet, and patent challenges to its active ingredient sildenafil citrate, in developing countries such as China and Columbia.”

China and Columbia are notorious illegal drug snorting nations! Therefore, a Viagra spray may fit well in those markets.

Speaking of market share, MM&M reports that Lilly claims Cialis holds 35.5% of the non-US market share and is set to become the No. 1 global ED drug in 2007. In the US market, Viagra sales were down 6% for the first nine months of 2006, whereas Cialis was up 26% and Levitra up 30%. Viagra held on to 56.6% of the US market, while Cialis has 27% — Levitra comes in at 13.3%.

A new formulation or delivery system is a tried-and-true way of extending the patent life of a drug. So, I am curious why Pfizer is thinking of going over-the-counter with a spray version, unless I am mistaken that it can qualify as a new drug by the FDA and thereby enjoy extended patent life.

In any case, an OTC form of Viagra may be problematic given the fact that some deaths have been reported in men who use Viagra in combination with nitrates for angina.

Another way that Pfizer likes to extend patent life of its drugs is by combination as it did when it created Caduet by combining Norvasc (for hypertension) and Lipitor (cholesterol) (see “Caduet, Smaduet! Add some wood to the fire!“).

I don’t know about you, but I’d like to see a combination product that included Viagra and Listerine (a Pfizer OTC product) — good wood and clean breath in one spray! I call it Viagrine(tm)! (Tip of the hat to PhamaGossip for suggesting a similar combination product.)

BTW, go to the Listerine product site and check out the “Mouth-Body Connection” — a “fun interactive tool.” I kid you not! A healthy mouth can improve your overall health — it may have something to do with plaque bacteria infecting your arteries in your heart AND in your penis (where it can lead to ED).

This is my half-baked idea, not Pfizer’s. Pfizer merely claims “Even if this connection is never fully explained by science, one thing is clear: a healthy mouth and a good oral care routine can only lead to good things.” Imagine the good things Viagrine(tm) can lead to!