Last week, in my post “I’m Puttin’ on the Ritz Tonight!” over at Pharma BlogosphereTM, I challenged — well, not exactly challenged; more like offered a prize to — any pharma blogger to rewrite the lyrics to “Puttin’ On the Ritz” to be more relevant to the pharmaceutical industry.

Pharma Giles was up to the challenge and wrote this for me (see his post, “Top Hat and Tails…“):

“I have no idea if John Mack is an Alli user, but if he is, then this is for him…

Top Hat And Alli Tales

Have you seen the overweight
Wobbling up the Broadwalk, mate?
On that famous thoroughfare
Brown stains in their underwear
“Treatment effects” and “oily spotting”
Incontinence pads and buttocks popping
Taking Alli every day
Losing weight the Glaxo way

If you’re fat and you don’t mind
where you have to go and you don’t care if Alli, its
Giving you the shitz
Different types who wear a dark coat pants with stains and spots
cos nothing fits
giving you the shitz

Dressed up like a million-dollar trooper
Tryin’ hard to hide what’s from your pooper (super duper)
Come let’s take a weight loss aid
if of diarrhoea you’re unafraid
Glaxo admits
Alli’s giving you the shitz

(toilet break)

Dressed up like a baby in a diaper
Getting through the packs of hygiene wipers (toilet vipers)
If you’re somewhat oversize then try some diet and exercise
so you don’t you go where Alli fits
Giving you the shitz

Thank you, Giles! And, no, I am not an Alli user, but am thinking of trying it just so that I can report my first-hand experience with “treatment effects.”

What prompted all this was the MM&M black tie awards ceremony that I attended in NYC last week. For more on this gala event, see “MM&M Award Winners Announced at Gala NY Event!“.

I’ve been to two awards ceremonies and, so far, MM&M’s the best. I give it a Gold Award in these categories:

Best Venue — Tavern on the Green (although you had to walk past horse carriages and the smell of ran”street apples” to get inside. Not too appetizing!)

Best Audio-Visual System — the sound was great and the MM&M logo was projected everywhere!

I Propose an Editor-in-Chief Roundtable!
I ran into James yesterday in Philadelphia at Pharmaceutical Executive’s Marketing & Sales Summit. Think of it — 3 editors-in-Chief in the same room (Patrick Clinton, Editor-in-Chief of Pharmaceutical Executive Magazine).

Chase was taking furious notes. Maybe MM&M is interested in starting up their own conference division.

Anyway, seeing Patrick and James together in the same room — albeit not smoozing it up with one another — gave me an idea: let’s get all the industry’s trade publications’ editors-in-chief to participate in an online roundtable discussion!

The topic could be: How Relevant are Trade Publications in the Web 2.0 Era?