Recently, Sanofi-Aventis has been having problems with its VOICES Facebook page (see “Disgruntled Patient Shuts Down sanofi-aventis Facebook Page“). I previously suggested S-A made a faux pas because it did NOT take its own advice about posting a Terms of Use policy on its VOICES Facebook page (see “Patient “Unadvocate” Lays Siege to sanofi-aventis VOICES Facebook Page. Where’s S-A’s Social Media VOICE?“). I guess someone at S-A read my post because the site now has a disclaimer, which says, in part:

“This page is not intended as a forum for discussing sanofi-aventis’ or other companies products including the reporting of side effects associated with the use of prescription drugs. As such, Postings that contain product discussions may be removed by sanofi-aventis.”

The VOICES Wall is now back up with posts and is accepting comments, including the following from Shirey, aka the “disgruntled patient”:

“I have just read your disclaimer… Not intended is not the same as not allowed in my eyes.”

Shirley’s friends are also posting comments like “if this site is not meant for discussions why call it “voices” suggests to me you dont like hearing what is written!!!!!!!!!!”

It will be interesting to see how this all plays out and who will win this “Pharma Social Media Standoff!”