A few weeks ago — before hurricane Sandy disrupted life as we know here on the east coast — I presented the coveted bright yellow Hawaiian shirt/Pharmaguy Social Media Pioneer Award to Dennis Urbaniak, VP, Joan Mikardos, Senior Director, and Laura Kolodjesji, Senoir Manager, Patient Solutions, at Sanofi US Diabetes (see “Dennis Urbaniak, Joan Mikardos, and Laura Kolodjeski of Sanofi US Receive the 3rd PharmaGuy Social Media Pioneer Award“).

Unfortunately, Dennis, Joan, and Laura were not available to accept the award personally. Since we’re all into “non-personal” communication via email and YouTube, I am happy to post the following award “acceptance” video that Joan and Laura made at their New Jersey-based sanofi Hawaiian set (I am amazed that they found Hawaiian Leis for props!). Too bad that Dennis could not be there with Joan and Laura to strum on his Ukulele 🙁