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Do you know what you sold yesterday?
Could you use more timely data to improve the success of marketing campaigns and product launches?
Leading pharma manufacturers are leveraging a new source of daily sales data they already own for competitive advantage. Through a series of in-depth qualitative interviews, Edge Dynamics, the leading provider of channel commerce management (CCM) solutions, has identified best practices with this new data source. To build on these findings, Edge Dynamics has sponsored an industry-wide survey on the use of data amongst marketing, sales and market research departments. The survey requires no more than 5-10 minutes of your time, and your responses will be kept confidential. The collective survey results will help determine how pharmaceutical manufacturers can leverage channel data for better, more effective marketing campaigns. On May 22, the best practice insights from the qualitative interviews, together with the online survey results, will be presented in a podcast featuring Edge Dynamics CEO Henry Olson, and moderated by John Mack of Pharmaceutical Marketing. To access the podcast, please visit Pharma Marketing Talk. Podcast URL: