Social media platforms, like Facebook and Instagram, are quickly becoming the preferred way patients are not only receiving information about their health, but also, where they are choosing to document their health journeys, both anonymously and publicly.

Two weeks ago, eyeforpharma held its annual meeting (virtually, of course), bringing together senior-level pharma execs, patient advocacy groups, and other experts to share ideas and stay up-to-date on shifting trends and practices within the pharma space.

The event opened up with keynote speakers who discussed how their organizations are “becoming healthcare’s solution.”

Danielle Salowski, Industry Manager for Facebook Health, was among these keynote speakers and gave a presentation that showcased the work her team is doing to support the healthcare system. In May of 2016, Danielle came to Facebook to launch a team focused on partnering with pharma marketers to serve the needs of such a unique industry.

The Facebook Health Team is actively and aggressively keeping up with the latest, most important information surrounding the current COVID-19 pandemic through its COVID-19 Information Center and its Disease Prevention Maps. These platforms within Facebook serve to provide daily updates on emerging information and data about coronavirus.

Outside of COVID-19, Facebook Health has launched several tools to improve global health, such as Preventative Health, Vaccine Misinformation, and their support for increasing the number of blood donors throughout the world.

Their work does not stop there. Big pharma companies like AstraZeneca and Cigna, ran their brands’ marketing campaigns on Facebook and Instagram in an efficient, effective and safe manner. AstraZeneca and Cigna have seen impactful results using social channels to build brand awareness and ultimately, drive conversions.

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