How Social Media and Mobile Apps Can Boost Health Outcomes 
Letizia Affinito and John Mack 

I am happy to announce my collaboration with Letizia Affinito (@laffinito) – Founder and CEO of Brandnew MC – in writing this book (see her comments below).

My primary input was writing or contributing to the following chapters:

  • Digital Health Content Regulations, Guidelines, and Ethics 
  • The Emergence of Online Opinion Leaders 
  • Digital Patient Storytelling and Peer-Influenced Marketing 
  • Integrating Digital into Your Marketing Communication Mix 

More details — including how to order and get a special discount — will follow.

Comment from Letizia Affinito, who originally proposed this collaboration:

Saying this book is “by Letizia Affinito” is overstated. Without the significant contributions made by other people, this book would certainly not exist. At the top of the list is John Mack who accepted to contribute when I asked him and accompanied me on this exciting journey from the first raw idea to the final work. I had been following John (pundit Pharmaguy) through his Pharma Marketing Blog and Pharma Marketing News since my first approach to pharma digital marketing in 2007. We had never met before and he trusted me right away in embarking on this challenging writing adventure. We both knew how demanding the topic was and the difficulties we could have encountered but we got to the end and I realized a long-lasting dream united by a shared goal: contribute to make patient-centered digital communication a reality. I was truly blessed to have an extraordinary partner trusting me and dedicated to the project. Thank you John!