Limiting Pharma Access to Physician Prescribing Data
Pharmaceutical companies use physician prescribing data for a variety of purposes, but arguably mostly for sales and marketing purposes.
Some doctors object to the use of prescribing data to target them for marketing. New Hamspire has recently passed a bill limiting the sales of physician Rx data to pharmaceutical companies for “commercial purposes,” including — but not limited to — marketing purposes.
This issue is discussed in more detail on Pharma Marketing Blog: Who’s Data Is It Anyway? and Specious Arguments in Favor of Rx Data Use.
This surevy solicits your opinion on the benefits of pharma access to prescribing information, physicians ability to opt-out, and appropriate uses of Rx data by pharmaceutical companies.

Specifically, the survey asks whether you agree or disagree with each of the following statements:

  • Prescribing data allow pharmaceutical promotion to be relevant and specific, making the whole process more cost-effective
  • Physician prescribing data helps manufacturers to alert physicians of important new information about medicines in a timely fashion
  • Physicians should be able to opt-out of having their Rx data sold to pharma companies for ANY USE
  • Physicians should be able to opt-out of having their Rx data sold to pharma companies for MARKETING PURPOSES ONLY
  • Physicians should NOT be able to opt-out of having their Rx data sold to pharma companies

Click here to take this survey.
Survey Results:

  • After completing the survey you will be able to see a summary of results (de-identified, excludes open-ended responses and comments that may identify the respondent). You can also use filters to examine results from different subsets of respondents (e.g., pharma company employees vs. non-pharma people, etc.).