“More than 60 percent of brands’ HCP digital efforts result in Challenged or Feeble Digital IQs,” according a new Digital IQ INDEX® ranking created by think tank L2 in partnership with Vue Group. The results are shown in the following chart:

This is in stark contrast to the May 2010 Digital IQ Index™ for Pharmaceuticals that analyzed direct-to-consumer (DTC) digital efforts. That analysis found that 31 percent of brands were digitally “Challenged”o r Feeble” (see “Is Your Brand a Digital Genius or a Feeble-Minded Idiot?“).

The report also concludes that “most brands are not purchasing HCP-targeted search terms, investing in mobile, engaging in email marketing, or investing in display advertising on physician portal sites.” For more information, including a table of IQ scores for 70 brands, download the report here.

The report laments the limited investment and adoption of digital technology to reach physicians and provide them product information on-demand and on their own schedule. For a A Lilly case study on reaching physicians via the Web, see this Pharma marketing News article: “Pharma TeleWeb e-Detailing” (use code ‘TWEB’ to download it free).