Today, I will be spending some time in Princeton, NJ attending ExL Pharma’s Digital Pharma conference. I hope to see some of you there.

The presentations I hope to attend include:

How MDs are Both Seeking and Jumping on New Web 2.0 Technologies to Communicate & Collaborate — Daniel Palestrant. I hope to gain some more insight into how Sermo uniquely empowers physicians. This will add to my article planned for the upcoming issue of Pharma Marketing News, which will focus on drug industry collaboration with online physician communities. I have already interview Dr. Palestrant in a recent Pharma Marketing Talk podcast (listen here).

The Paradigm Shift: Web 2.0 and the New Era Of Pharmaceutical Marketing — a panel discussion moderated by Joe Shields Director, Consumer Strategy, Enbrel WYETH. I’ll be able to meet up again with my good friend Len Starnes, Head of E-Business, Primary Care, BAYER SCHERING PHARMA AG. Glad to see that he has survived the merger!

Driving “Hi-Water Mark” Results Through Innovative and Integrated Online/Offline Strategy and Creative — by Karen Carr, VP, Health & Wellness Practice, IMC2. I think these are the people that are responsible for Glaxo’s alliconnect blog. The presenters promise to talk about how GlaxoSmithKline’s alli turned the newest over-the-counter weight-loss brand into an overnight sensation by combining up-to-the-minute behavioral change insights with the newest emerging approaches to digital and relationship marketing.

Leveraging Video on the Web Within A Contextual Format — a panel discussion. I hope this is more than just how cool video is. They should discuss how user-created video can be used by marketers as in Novartis’ FluFlix Video Contest on YouTube (see “Novartis Attempts Perfect Execution of Web 2.0 Trick!“).

Anyway, gotta go! I hope to report highlights later.