It’s that time of year again! PharmaVoice is accepting nominations for its “list” of the 100 most inspiring people.

Instead of nominating your lousy boss, who you hate, but who promised you a box of Omaha Steaks if you nominated him or her, nominate somebody who really deserves it — ME!

I really want to be on that list and have my mug on the cover of PharmaVoice! So, please, please nominate me!

Here’s what the ad says: “This is YOUR opportunity to recognize the people who INSPIRE and MOTIVATE you and others; who are having the greatest influence on corporate leadership, research and development, technology, creativity, marketing, strategy, and more; and who are impacting the life-sciences industry through their actions.”

Just a few days ago I received this accolade:

“I have become your fan because I’m studying Pharma Marketing News and Forum. You are doing an excellent work for us who are professionals in Pharma Marketing.”

Here’s another:

“Thanks for your continued enlightenment of the masses.”

Need I say more?

Do I meet the Criteria?
You bet I do:

  • “These individuals should view industry trends as challenges not burdens, as opportunities not obstacles.” I have no idea what that means. Let’s see…one trend is firing 10% of your employees. I view that as a challenge and an opportunity — for ME! All these laid off people will be looking for a job and executive search people call me every day and I can recommend YOU! But, first, you’ll have to nominate me.
  • “They should embody panache and conviction.” I looked up “panache” in wikipedia: “reckless courage.” Ha! Look up panache in a regular dictionary and what do you see? A picture of ME! I am convinced I have reckless courage — remember, I am the guy that outed the “Girl from Google” and took on PhRMA in the “The Adventures of PhRMA Intern!” and called for a boycott or Rozerem! If that’s not reckless courage, then I don’t know what is!
  • “They should be leaders who plan for the future rather than respond to change.” I’m not sure anyone is following me, so I can’t say that I am a leader. But I do have plans for the future — namely to get ME nominated that list!
  • “They should be pioneering new paths and lifting their companies to new heights.” I don’t have a company, but I’ll be happy to pioneer new paths for you.

Nominate me here.