Dr. Andree K. Bates, President, Eularis, is a leading expert in pharmaceutical marketing analytics. Her career has encompassed academic, clinical and pharmaceutical positions around the globe, and she has gained worldwide recognition within the healthcare industry for ROI and marketing effectiveness measures.

Dr. Bates has spoken at more than 45 international conferences in the past five years, and is currently working with pharmaceutical marketing programs in the ROI field at two universities. She has authored many articles in peer-reviewed journals and several chapters in books on this topic.

I am very pleased that Dr. Bates will be my guest on next week’s Pharma Marketing Talk podcast:

You Want Marketing ROI? You’re Not Ready to Measure ROI!
If You Can’t Define It, You Can’t Measure It!
Airs LIVE, Wednesday, September 12, at 2 PM Eastern US time.

Pharmaceutical marketers used to be mainly concerned with effectively delivering their messages, and ensuring the value of the individual programs. Now, pharmaceutical marketers are being asked to more thoroughly prove the effectiveness of their programs by quantifying exactly which messages impact prescribing the most, what the return on each sales and marketing program is, and what optimal combination of programs (and budgets) will deliver maximum prescribing (market share) results.

Unfortunately, many pharmaceutical marketers are more enamored by creativity than attaining a positive ROI (see, for example, “Rozerem Ad Spending Exceeds Sales!“).

It’s possible that these marketers can’t handle the analytics — aka math — involved. Or they just don’t know what to measure.

Well, Dr. Bates CAN handle the math and in this podcast she will tell you why your ROI analysis sucks! Specifically, she will address the following questions:

  1. What is ROI anyway?
  2. What are you measuring?
  3. Why is good ROI a paradox?
  4. So, you got a good ROI, now what?
  5. Forget R-O-I! What do you really want?

I know what YOU really want! You want this to be a video podcast, don’t you? Then you can see Dr. Bates’ charts and figures while the math zooms way over your head! Sorry, Charlie. This is an audio podcast, so you won’t be distracted by any visuals. 😉