For the next 2 weeks I will be in Europe speaking at two conferences. The first stop is Paris, France, where I will lead the “Essentials of an External Social Media Policy” workshop this Wednesday (see the meeting agenda here).

I uploaded a slide deck I prepared for that workshop on SlideShare (here). These slides present data from surveys I have done and form just the basis for beginning the discussion at the workshop. I hope the discussion and debate at my workshop helps build a concise and organized set of Fair Social Media Practice Principles that I will publish for comment after the workshop. For background and to input your own suggestions, see “Fair Social Media Practice Principles: Rules for Third-Party Engagement in Patient/Physician Social Networks.”

Denise Silber (@health20Paris), Basil Strategies, is the conference organizer. She has put together quite a unique gathering, which includes a MAD (Mobile Applications Demo) Soirée! after my workshop. This party is located at Musée des Art Forains (see my Paris itinerary Google map here and below):

View Paris 2011 in a larger map

I will try and tweet from the conference (follow #doctors20 hash tag) and blog about it while I am in Paris, but I make no promises! I have a busy schedule planned sightseeing and meeting colleagues!