If you are a pharmaceutical brand manager, I would like to offer you a FREE dinner at a fine restaurant in New Brunswick, NJ on Monday, April 3, 2006.

As you many readers of this blog know, I run Pharma Marketing Network, which is hosting the 3rd Annual Networking Dinner Reception for members of the pharmaceutical marketing community. This is an outstanding networking event that already has about 120 people registered.

In fact, the reason I have been neglecting this blog is because I’ve been so busy organizing this event! But, it’s worth it.

Here’s the deal:


What’s the catch?

Well, you’ll have to co-exist with about 120 sales and marketing people from the vendor/service side of the business. But it’s a friendly, non-threatening atmosphere and definitely worth it, especially if you are attending the 4th Annual Pharmaceutical Marketing Summit being held the following 2 days down the block at the Hyatt.

Plus, we have an interesting agenda:

  • 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM: Sign in. Freely mingle to meet and network with colleagues. Wine and beer and other beverages served (included). Cash bar.
  • 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM: Buffet service and sit down to dinner
  • 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM: Presentations
    1. Welcome by John Mack, Publisher of Pharma Marketing News.
    2. The Do’s & Don’ts of Integrating Promotional Products into the Marketing MixCustom Promotions, Inc.). The presentation will address the value of promotional products in an overall marketing strategy including considerations in the planning process, compliance issues, and domestic versus overseas manufacturing.

      presented by Joe Blewitt, Chief Operating Officer; Jerry Mauder, Sr. Marketing Executive (

    3. The Future of Brand Marketing: Will You be in the Mix? A short presentation by Dr. Andree Bates, Managing Director, Campbell Belman Europe Ltd. Using predictive modeling techniques and her many years of experience, Dr. Bates will look at the evolution of the pharma marketing mix viz-a-viz Advertising versus Med Ed versus PR versus Events versus Internet versus Reps.

  • 8:30 PM to 9:15 PM: Dessert and Table Discussions:
    1. Brand Management hosted by David Patterson, Thomson Scientific
    2. CME hosted by Barbara Wolk, MCRI
    3. Market Research hosted by Richard Shapiro, The Center For Client Retention
    4. Physician Marketing ROI hosted by Andree Bates, Campbell Belman Europe Ltd.
    5. Physician Meetings hosted by Stephen M. Carnevale, Premier Technologies
    6. Physician Marketing Challenges by Jerry Mauder, Custom Promotions

  • 9:15 PM to 9:30 PM: Closing Comments and Good Byes

After writing a blog and newsletter article as well as hosting a survey about free gifts to physicians by pharmaceutical companies (see “Free Gifts to Physicians: What’s the Big Deal?“), I find it interesting to offer a free dinner to pharmaceutical brand managers! Fortunately, I am not constrained by PhRMA or the OIG!

I wonder if any brand managers will take me up on my offer and put themselves in a position similar to physicians at promotional dinner events that pharma brands host? We won’t put a target or slap a sign “detail me” on you back, but you will be asked to raise your hand and identify yourself! You owe me that much for the great food!