Sucks up the Bissell Homecare account, that is. You know…Bissell the vacuum cleaner?

This account is worth $22 Million, according to AdAge (Cramer-Krasselt Picks Up Bissell’s $22 Million Account).

You may know Cramer-Krasselt as the agency behind such campaigns as the notorious Rozerem Abe Lincoln/beaver duet (see “Takeda – Fire These Guys!“).

That campaign is notorious because it has returned less money in sales than it cost Takeda to run! (See “Rozerem Ad Spending Exceeds Sales!“) But — and this is an important butt (as in butt of jokes inside the pharma industry) — the ads have “cut through the clutter.”

Guess what! Cutting through the clutter is very important for a vacuum cleaner company and that even extends to justification for hiring ad agencies:

“Cramer-Krasselt impressed us with bold ideas for our brand,” said Ann Lamb, Bissell’s director of communications. “They have a reputation for helping brands break through category clutter, so we’re excited to explore new strategic marketing directions with them.”

What a maroon!

Ann Lamb, meet Andy Hull, senior vice president of marketing at Takeda and a like-minded maroon!

P.S. Don’t you think that for Bissell to survive the Swifter onslaught, that it needs to do a better job cutting through REAL clutter in homes rather than ad clutter in homeowners’ minds?