Strategic Marketing & Planning

Reprint List A Call to Action: A Mea Non Culpa by Big Pharma

A review of the book “A Call to Action” by Pfizer CEO Dr. Hank McKinnell. This review focuses on the 10 action items McKinnell promulgates. Notwithstanding an review of the book written by Peter Rost — Pfizer’s whistleblowing head of endocrine care marketing unit — in which McKinnell is described as making “an impressive mea culpa,” this book is actually a mea non culpa! Find out why.

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The Absolute, Relative, and Incremental ROI of DTC e-Marketing

The debate surrounding the strategic and economic value of having an online DTC strategy rings loud and clear at most global pharmaceutical companies today. In general, the key questions are where and how the online strategy creates disproportionate and sustainable value for the brand. This article focuses on the power of the product Web site as a conversion tool and illustrates how the Web strategy fits into the overall marketing continuum – from initial engagement all the way to loyalty marketing.

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Becoming Woman Wise: Marketing Healthcare to Women

More than 80% of healthcare purchasing decisions are made by women. Women account for more than half of the population in the United States and it makes absolute sense to market to women where, when, and how they choose.

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Big Bad Pharma

How Bad Drug Shortages, Bad Drug Supply Chain, Bad Manufacturing, Bad Ideas, and Bad Journalism Contribute to Pharma’s Bad Reputation

The drug industry is contending with a storm of unsavory media coverage documenting drug shortages in the U.S., drug counterfeiting, and recalls due to manufacturing faults. Some say bad journalism is heightening the “bad” news while ignoring the good that the industry does, which includes creating life-saving drugs and jobs. This article reviews the confluence of several trends that are putting the industry on the defensive with data from several surveys and studies that put these issues into context of the age of social media amplification of news sound bites and instant online collaboration.

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Blogs and the Pharmaceutical Industry

This article presents the basics of blogging and offers several examples of how pharmaceutical companies and marketers can use blogs effectively without shooting themselves in the foot!

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The Brand Marketing Mix

This article is a summary of a presentation made before a pharmaceutical brand team on marketing tactics that are viable now and in the future, how to avoid risk by balancing risk vs. impact, and what the marketing mix trends will be one to five years out.

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Building a Blockbuster

Moving Towards a New Service Model

TNS Healthcare research suggests that you can enhance your chances of building a blockbuster brand by developing a customer-driven approach that focuses more on building relationships with physicians than does the traditional detailing model. In support of this, TNS surveyed primary care physicians in the US and 5 European countries. The results are summarized in this article.

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Building the Optimal Service Model: Creating the Right Physician Experiences to Drive Business

This article presents a summary of a recent TNS Healthcare webinar and personal conversations with presenters conducted beforehand. Included are NEW research results about how US and European physicians rate pharmaceutical companies against a number of customer value points that are important in achieving success with the new sales model.

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The Changing Policy Landscape

Prepare Now for the Coming FDA and Pharmaceutical Marketing Reforms

The two traditional means by which pharmaceutical marketers have relied on for many, many years to encourage the uptake of newpharmaceutical products — direct-to-consumer (DTC) advertising and physician marketing — are about to change. Prepare now for the coming FDA and pharmaceutical marketing reforms.

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The Coming Pharma Marketing Recession

Tips for Surviving the Slump!

This article presents opinions and evidence that there is a slump in pharma marketing spending and provides some tips to vendors and ad agencies to help them the slump.

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Congress vs. Pharma

Trouble Ahead?

Now that the 2006 midterm elections are over, the pharmaceutical industry is left to ponder what the new Congress has in store for it. This article is a summary of a Pharma Marketing Roundtable discussion of the Congressional agenda for pharma (real and feared). The article includes results from the online “What’s In Store From Congress” survey.

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Corporate Reputation in the New Media World

In an online webinar entitled ‘Reputation Strategies That Drive Results: Turning Your Good Name into Good Business’ Kantar Health explored the value of corporate reputation and corporate social responsibility from a traditional channel and digital media perspective and also from the view of understanding how this impacts the relationship between pharmaceutical and Key Opinion Leaders. This article summarizes the presentations made at that webinar.

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Cost-Cutting Strategies for the Pharma Industry

Pharma Marketing News hosted an online Pharma Cost Cutting Survey between February 22, 2005, and March 18, 2005. Respondents indicated how likely they thought pharma companies would adopt several cost-cutting strategies within the next six months. This article presents a summary of the results.

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Creating the Right Physician Experiences to Drive Business

This article presents a summary of a recent TNS Healthcare webinar and personal conversations with presenters conducted beforehand. Included are NEW research results about how US and European physicians rate pharmaceutical companies against a number of customer value points that are important in achieving success with the new sales model.

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Creating a Successful DTC Campaign on the Inside

Carrie Nelson, Manager New Hope Parkinson Program, and Laura Virden, Market Development Manager, of Medtronic shared the story of their two-year journey tackling the problem of bringing more of DTC campaign work in-house at the recent “Direct to Consumer Strategies for Medical Devices” conference organized by the Center for Business Intelligence.

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Creating the Most Effective Sales Calls

As sales costs soar, it is critical to design and deliver messages that break through the competitive clutter and impact product performance. But how can you develop messages that drive prescribing? How can you be sure your reps are giving the messages you want to convey-and know those messages are working? And how can you protect against competitive messaging and unexpected market events?

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Diversity in the Life Sciences

This article describes the mission of the Life Sciences Profiles of Color (LSPOC) Project and Blog. Not only can this project give young people examples of successful people of color in the life sciences, it can also help improve the industry’s public image, which has fallen to a new low in the last year.

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Emotions, Focus and Storytelling: How Cialis is Challenging Viagra

So who wants to go head-to-head with Viagra? The ultimate pharmaceutical mega-brand: a blockbuster drug, with a superbly executed global campaign, an urban legend. According to Blair Waite, Brand Manager, Global Marketing for Eli Lilly and Co., Viagra is now the world’s 2nd most recognized brand name, after Coca Cola.

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The Empowered Patient

What It Means for Pharma Marketers

This article presents a case for the drug industry to adopt a patient-centric model in which pharma companies can develop unique expertise in decoding the behavior, needs, motivations of empowered patients and then use this knowledge as the basis for helping healthcare professionals and payers to put into place programs that achieve better patient outcomes.

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The European eMarketing Scene: Desperately Seeking Strategy

The pharmaceutical industry is struggling to develop an eMarketing strategy in Europe, which is comprised of many relatively small markets (the member countries of the EU) having significant cultural and language differences.

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The Future of DTC Advertising

Is a Perfect Storm Brewing?

Experts don’t know if it’s the economy, lack of new drugs in pharma’s pipeline, or the new pro-regulation political climate, but 2009 is shaping up to be the year that direct-to-consumer (DTC) advertising will suffer a round of budget cuts and setbacks not seen in a long time. We poll readers and experts to help predict the immediate future of DTC advertising and to get some insights from experts.

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Now and Then

There’s a lot of brouhaha these days in pharma circles about ‘gamification’ as if it were the newest thing since sliced bread. These days, however, it may be easier for a pharma company to create a real-life museum educational gaming experience than a virtual world game on Facebook. Way back in 1984, gamification was much simpler.

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Getting Market Research Right in Emerging Markets

With the challenges facing the pharmaceutical industry in the more developed markets of the US, Western Europe and Japan, the emerging markets have become the growth engine for many businesses, including Big Pharma, which is shifting its investment to new geographies. Nevertheless, in countries where market research is not yet established, e.g., China, India and the Middle East, online penetration is limited, secondary data sources are nonexistent, and the challenge remains how to get the insights required to guide business strategy in these markets.

This is the first in a series of articles summarizing highlights from a recent webinar focused on getting market research right in emerging markets. It features experts from Kantar Health, a global consultancy and marketing insights organization that was formed in 2009 by uniting Consumer Health Sciences, MattsonJack, TNS Healthcare and Ziment.

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Getting Market Research Right in the Middle East

A Land of Diversity, Opportunities and Unique Challenges

If the Middle East was a single country, it would be the fifth largest market in the world in terms of GDP. The sales of pharmaceuticals in the Middle East surpasses 20 billion US dollars per year and is growing by 10 to 15% per year.

This is the second in a series of three articles highlighting points made by Kantar Health executives in a recent webinar titled “Getting It Right in the Emerging Markets: Identifying the opportunities and avoiding the pitfalls in conducting market research in new geographies.”

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Global Pharma Competitive Intelligence: A Necessity in Times of Economic Uncertainty

This year is proving to be a critical one for many industries, including the pharma-ceutical industry. Actionable, evidence-based and global pharmaceutical competitive intelligence (CI) and general business intelligence (BI) will play an important role in the drama about to unfold.

This article highlights several presentations made at the 2008 Pharmaceutical Competitive Intelligence Conference and discusses some common themes, including how environments for the pharmaceutical and device industries are changing dramatically with implications for CI going forward, the importance of keeping an eye on China, and whether CI is a strategic or tactical discipline.

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GSK Strikes Back with a Grassroots Campaign

Mike Pucci, Vice President of External Affairs at GlaxoSmithKline, discusses his strategy to get the word out about the good that the pharmaceutical industry is doing.

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How to Sell a Drug Before it is Approved

Did you know that you can sell a drug before it is launched? Dr. Gene Emmer, President of Med Services Europe B.V., an Amsterdam-based consultancy focused on sales, marketing, and business development for the medical industry, advises his start-up, cash hungry, biotech companies to consider if a European “named patient program” might be an option.

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The Indian Pharmaceutical Market

The Indian pharmaceutical market is the world’s fourth largest by volume (8% of global total) and thirteenth largest by value (less than 1% of global total).

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Managing Cross Boundary Issues

Pharmaceutical companies are notorious for their functional and organizational silo structure built around brands. Strategic issues that cross silos — i.e., cross-boundary issues such as getting marketing and R&D working together, getting a more coordinated global approach to marketing, or getting companies to work better in marketing alliances-are thornier than most because managers don’t control all the necessary resources and communication and trust are often weak.

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Mapping New Paths through the DTC Marketing Mix Maze

In this article, David Kweskin, Senior Vice President and Practice Area Leader, Brand and Communications Division, TNS, explains how his company helps marketers look across the full spectrum of media — traditional media like radio, TV, print — and and gives them a common way of measuring them against new media like blogs and word of mouth. Meanwhile, Morgan Lozier, Director, Web Evaluation Brand and Communications Division, TNS, presents a review of 3 erectile dysfunction product websites to illustrate what the online DTC experience should look like. He finds one winner among the contenders

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Marketing the Pharma Industry: The Empire Strikes Back

There are some things in life that money can’t buy, like trust. But getting over 60 sharp marketing minds together for a couple days attempting to address the industry’s most baffling issues — priceless!

This article is a spirited review of the Pharmaceutical Marketers Knowledgeshare Forum, which was held recently in Philadelphia. The event was sponsored by PharmaVOICE magazine. The article provides a composite overview of the action plan developed by attendees.

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Maximizing the DTC Message

How are DTC activities integrated as key components throughout the marketing mix, including advertising, advocacy and public relations? What are the risks and rewards associated with launching a DTC campaign? How have top pharmaceutical marketers managed to address sensitive health issues and drive awareness and sales through DTC? Is every drug really a viable candidate for a Direct-to-Consumer campaign? These were some of the questions discussed during an evening Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association seminar entitled DTC Sweeps: The Impact and Evolving Role of Direct-to-Consumer Marketing.

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Measuring Marketing Strategy

It has been said that there is only one way to test marketing: wait and see what happens. However, few pharma CEOs today would consider such a ‘watchful waiting’ approach to be appropriate. “This observation highlights an unmet need in the pharmaceutical industry,” says Mike Rea, Managing Director at IdeaPharma, a pharmaceutical marketing best practice consultancy. “While it is possible to predict and measure the effects of sales promotion by direct measures, or by modeling using surrogate measures, there are no empirical measures of the effectiveness of strategic marketing that can be used to judge effectiveness.” This article reviews Q2 Audit, a new company and an industry-standard measure of marketing effectiveness

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Merck Rejiggers Its Marketing Mix

Adam Schechter, President of Merck US Human Health, made this statement not long ago at a Goldman Sachs healthcare conference: ‘Industry must embrace new ways of engaging physicians on their terms.’

Topics covered include:

  • Merck to Slash Field Force?
  • Consumer Media Consumption Habits vs. Media Spend (Google chart)
  • Customer Focus Means More Technology
  • Engaging Customers on Their Terms
  • Impact vs. Risk Analysis of Physician Marketing Channels (chart)

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Multichannel Marketing

Easy to Brag About, but Difficult to Do

Multichannel pharma marketing is conceptually relatively simple to understand, but incredibly difficult in practice, says Len Starnes, former Head of Digital Marketing & Sales, General Medicine at Bayer Schering Pharma. That said, multichannel is not a transient phenomenon, it’s here to stay. Starnes hosted a survey on LinkedIn to answer the question: When will pharma marketing become de facto multichannel marketing in future?

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The New Branding Model: From Blockbusters to Targeted Therapies

Targeted therapies, based upon genotype, require a new brand model that addresses smaller segments of the population. This model, according to Francoise Simon, professor of marketing at the Columbia University Graduate School of Business, requires a fundamental reorganization of the biopharma value chain, from discovery to manufacturing and marketing.

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A New Estimate of Drug Development Cost

Economic Experts Disagree Wildly on How Much It Costs to Bring a New Drug to Market.

How is it that the Tufts estimate is at least 14 TIMES the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSEPS) estimate? ‘Make no mistake,’ said Tufts. ‘Tufts CSDD will vigorously defend the scholarship, integrity, and validity of all its publish-ed research studies.

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No More Free Lunch in California?

California legislature recently passed SB 1765 (aka, ‘fair drug marketing bill’), which requires pharma companies to comply with PhRMA and OIG Guidelines. this article summarizes the provisions of this bill, which is currently awaiting signature by Governor Schwarzenegger.

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New Social Media Regulatory Framework

A Critical Analysis

Envision Solutions and TNS Media Intelligence/Cymfony teamed up to write a white paper, which summarized a new social media monitoring and marketing regulatory framework for pharmaceutical companies. This article takes a critical look at the Framework and offers further insights into the regulatory issues it raises.

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Obama v. McCain: Who’s Better for Pharma?

It’s official! If the presidential election were held today, 55 percent of employees of pharmaceutical companies said they would vote for Mr. Obama and 28 percent said they would vote for Mr. McCain. But more important than who intends to vote for whom are the thoughts behind that choice and implications for the pharmaceutical industry.

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Optimizing DTC Performance

How TNS Healthcare Helps Clients Build a Lifetime Connection Between Consumers and Brands

DTC spending is up 6.6% in the first half of 2006. What is the pharmaceutical industry getting in return for this increase? However you look at the numbers, typical DTC approaches often don’t deliver the impact they should for the dollars invested, according to TNSfyi, a product forecasting and healthcare/pharmaceutical modeling division of TNS Healthcare.

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Optimizing Market Access

A Guide to Effective Pricing, Reimbursement and Messaging Strategies

In today’s competitive market, pricing and reimbursement strategies are key to maximizing brand success and ROI. Because every country’shealthcare system is different-and every product situation is unique-every brand requires a specific access plan, tailored to each market. And you must support each plan with effective messaging that ensures strong product acceptance and uptake. Experts from TNS Healthcare spoke on this issue in a recent webinar and during an exclusive interview with Pharma Marketing News.

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Owning the Prescription Pad

Driving Brand Decisions in a Multi-Influence World

The security of a controlled environment for pharma marketing communication is giving way to the complexities of a dynamic environment with more empowered players, including patients who have more influence than ever before over which products make it to market and which are prescribed. Brand managers need to observe, gauge and seek to influence those influencers. Therefore, we need a new model that helps us make sense of a complex world of communications. This article presents such a model developed by TNS Healthcare, A Kantar Health Company.

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Patient Assistance Program Rankings

Going Beyond Sales Force Effectiveness to Customer Experience Satisfaction

Market Strategies’ 2008 MSImage Oncology Patient Assistance Program is a syndicated study that identified what oncologists and oncology practice managers perceive to be the top pharmaceutical PAPs in the industry. The study identified how PAPs influence overall corporate image among physicians, what performance measures drive a pharmaceutical company’s PAP image, and which companies are perceived as having the best PAPs.

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Peter Rost

Whistleblower, Pharma Blogger, ???

It might be fair to call former Pfizer marketing VP Peter Rost “Pharma’s Black Knight” because of his confrontation with the drug industry over drug importation and his “whistle-blower” case against Pfizer. He achieved notoriety on 60 Minutes and in testimony before the US Senate regarding high US drug prices and drug importation from Canada by US citizens. Using these pulpits, Rost has criticized the drug industry on their stance against importation, calling it “fundamentally unethical.” After his 60 Minutes interview, Pfizer temporarily cut off his phone and email service and eventually fired him.

This article is based on an interview in which Rost describes his new post-Pfizer vocation: Blogger!

Topics covered include:

  • Peter Rost the Whistle Blower
  • Peter Rost the Blogger
  • A Unique Style
  • Pharmacia and Genotrophin
  • The Andy Rooney of Pharma Bloggers
  • Peter Rost on Medicare Part D
  • Peter Rost on Trustworthiness of Drug Industry
  • A Sampling of Rost Blog Posts
  • What Does Rost Plan To Do For Money These Days?

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Pfizer France: Viva la SFE Difference!

Our European correspondent interviews Annick Pichavant Ruty, VP of Sales for Pfizer France. Surprisingly, according to Ms. Ruty, lack of sales rep time with physicians is not a problem for Pfizer France but she had other internal issues that needed to be addressed to build an effective sales force.

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Pharma Trends to Watch in 2006

This is the time of the year when we all look into our crystal balls and try to come up with predictions for the new year. This article summarizes the collective wisdom from respondents of the 2006 Pharma Trend Survey and participants of the Pharma Marketihng Roundtable. Includes sections:

  • FDA Regulation of DTC: To Be or Not To Be?
  • Risk: I Say Relative, You Say Absolute
  • New Directions Part 1: Alternative Media
  • New Directions Part 2: Unbranded DTC

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Pharmaceutical Competitive Intelligence

Forewarned is Forearmed

This report of impressions from a pharma CI conference is an insider view, primarily how-to principles for CI providers, rather than how-to-use concepts for CI consumers. Yet you don’t have to be an operative to benefit from reading this article, if for no other reason that to realize that SWOT is not just pitch-deck boilerplate, but the evolving awareness of your brand’s interactions with the world.

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Pharmaceutical Market Access 2010

Future revenue growth in the US and EU will be limited as the EU wrestles with cost effectiveness and the US debates healthcare reforms. Meanwhile, pharma and biotech companies are looking to emerging market opportunities in Brazil, Russia, India, and China (i.e., BRIC) to drive future business. What does this all mean for patients, physicians, payers, and pharmaceutical/biotech manufacturers? This article addresses that question.

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Pharmacy TeleStocking

Astute Development Group (ADG), a global provider of technology telemarketing and IT sales lead generation programs, manages pharmacy stocking from afar.

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Pharma’s Bad Rep or Bad Rap

Whatever! The Drug Industry Must Earn Back the Public’s Trust

This article summarizes the results of the ‘How to Earn Back the Public’s Trust’ survey hosted by Pharma Marketing News between February 4, 2009 and March 14, 2009 , including selected comments from respondents and other commentators.

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Predicting the Future of the Drug Industry

This article reviews the results of the ‘Predicting the Future of the Drug Industry: 2010 & Beyond!’ survey and provides background on future trends.

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Proposed Rules for Physician Payment Sunshine Act

Looming Challenges Cloud Implementation

This article reviews the strategic implications of the Sunshine Act and also presents highlights of the draft regulations rule released by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services on December 15, 2011.

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Protection from Brand Infection

Marketers Must Take Control of Their Brands, Especially Online

In response to concerns about the growing range of threats to brand value and the sheer volume of brand hijacking incidents, the CMO Council set out to assess the challenges marketers face as stewards of their brands. The result is Protection from Brand Infection, a seminal authority leadership report that outlines the proliferating threat-scape that marketers face and reveals how marketers are struggling to understand and measure the impact brand intrusions have on their second most valuable asset, their customer.

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A Primer on Pharma Employee Blogging

There is some movement within a few pharmaceutical companies toward implementing employee blogs. But before any pharmaceutical company dives into blogging, there are a few fundamentals that should be considered for developing a strategy for employee blogging.

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Reforming the FDA: It All Starts with a New Commissioner!

Possibly the most important political change facing the pharmaceutical industry in 2006 is who will be the new FDA Commissioner. Various stakeholders — including executives and staffers working within the pharmaceutical industry, agents and vendors to the industry, healthcare professionals, members of the general public, and staffers within government health agencies — have divergent opinions on who should be the commissioner and why. This article summarizes the results of a recent survey of such stakeholders.

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Risk Mitigation and Its Impact on Pharma Marketing

Appropriate Use Benefits After Launch

Risk management, REMS, danger management of your product’s life cycle, whatever you call it, all are crucial to brand managers and marketing executives. In this article, Jeff Fetterman, President and CEO of ParagonRx, summarizes his ideas about how to develop a REMS that can be a win-win-win situation for you, your product, and the patient.

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Scenarios on the Future of Pharma Marketing: No Time Like the Present to Think the Unthinkable

This article summarizes a presentation made by Jane Sarasohn-Kahn, a health economist and forecaster, at a recent industry conference.

In her talk, Ms. Sarasohn-Kahn assessed the prospects for the pharmaceutical industry over a 1 to 5 year period. She identified and analyzed the key external drivers shaping the short and longer-term futures of pharma, including political, economic, the provider market, plans, payers/employers, and e-business, among them. Based on these futures, Ms. Sarasohn-Kahn offered actionable implications for pharmaceutical marketers.

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Society of Industry Leaders: Help for Investors

The shifting pharma landscape makes it all the more important that investors make intelligent choices where to invest their money. The Society of Industry Leaders provides institutional money managers with timely information about the current state of the pharmaceutical market and how it is likely to progress.

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Stop Wasting $Millions on Ineffective DTC Ads!

Testing Technology Can Help Improve Ads and Engage Viewers. This article highlights PreTesting’s ad measurement technology and reveals interesting insights about the major mistakes that pharmaceutical advertisers make with regard to measuring the effectiveness of their ads.

Topics covered include:

  • Three Common Mistakes Made by Most Advertisers
  • PreTesing Technology
  • Case Study: Sleep Aid Ads
  • Testing TV Ads in a TiVO World
  • How to Create an Effective Drug Ad — 17 learnings from PreTesting

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Strategies for Overcoming the Internal Challenges between Rx and OTC

Why is the decision to switch from Rx to OTC usually considered a challenge? Is it because Rx and OTC marketing are seen as two separate sectors of a drug’s product life cycle, with OTC always serving as the final stage? Or is it the stigma of lower profitability, deserved or not, that OTC-only marketing carries? These perceptions – or misconceptions – may sometimes cause a company’s general management to be reluctant to concede to switching until the optimal timing for maximizing the contribution of a brand has passed. In fact, according to Bruce Lifka, Senior Director, Hair Growth and Rx/OTC Switches for Pfizer, OTC is a strategic option for extending a product’s revenue stream and is not automatically the death knell to the prescription business. If Rx and OTC marketers construct a master life cycle strategy together, they can turn the paradigm of switching from a risk to an opportunity.

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Surviving the Election Wars

The pharmaceutical industry must take a pro-active stance if it is to counter all the negative publicity the 2008 presidential campaign will generate. With the billions of dollars that the industry spends on DTC advertising, there is an opportunity to use DTC to focus more on humanitarian goals of the industry.

Topics and issues covered include:

  • The Permanent Campaign
  • Emerging Issues
  • 2008 Election Outlook
  • Building Trust with DTC
  • Summary of the Roadmap to Surviving the Election Wars

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Teaching New Dogs Old Tricks

An interview with Professor Jim Avery at University of Oklahoma’s Gaylord College of Mass Communication about preparing graduate students for a career in health advertising.

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The Truth About the Drug Companies: What To Do About It

For a time you couldn’t go to a pharma industry conference without hearing at least one expert speaker recommending that pharma executives read the book “The Truth About the Drug Companies: How They Deceive Us and What to do About It,” written by Marcia Angell, MD, former editor in chief of The New England Journal of Medicine. It’s not often that you see pro-industry pundits recommend a book that “tears pharma a new one,” as some would say. This review includes several point-counter point views regarding Angell’s arguments by pharmaceutical and healthcare experts, including members of the PHARMA-MKTING online discussion group.

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To Ban or Not to Ban DTC? That Was the Question!

The pharmaceutical industry must be reeling from the blow just recently delivered by Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN) who called upon the drug industry to impose “a two-year moratorium on advertising for new drugs and a government audit to determine how drug ads have affected the way Americans are treated for illness.”

This article takes a critical look at Frist’s proposal and other emerging DTC reform ideas. We’ll include reaction to the Frist proposal from PhRMA, AMA, advertising trade associations, and especially from members of the PHARMA-MKTING online discussion group who weighed in with their expert opinions.

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Value-based Pricing

This article summarizes the second half of a presentation by Uday Bose, European marketing director for GlaxoSmithKline Oncology, in which he focuses on reform attempts within European countries and pharma’s reactions, the benefits and perils of risk-sharing agreements and how pharma might best meet the challenges of the marketplace now and into the future.

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Why Pharmaceutical Marketers Ignore ROI

There are many reasons why pharmaceutical marketers may not be effectively measuring ROI. This article discusses several of these reasons and includes feedback and opinions from several experts who agree that all marketers – and pharma marketers in particular – have a problem with traditional ROI analysis.

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Will COX-2 Inhibitors Crash and Burn?

This article documents the effect of the withdrawal of Vioxx and other COX-2 revelations on physicians’ prescribing behavior using data from ImpactRx. Also included are results from a recent survey we conducted of Pharma Marketing News susbcribers regarding the wisdom of Pfizer’s decision to test Celebrex to see if it is able to prevent heart attacks and strokes in patients with serious cardiovascular disease.

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Will Healthcare be Rationed or Rational?

A Case for Supporting Comparative Effectiveness Research

This article presents selected results from a survey of pharmaceutical experts on eDetailing and Online Marketing conducted in 2005 by eyeforpharma, MediQuality, and PharmiWeb Solutions.

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