Reprints, Supplements, Special Offers: February 2006
The following reprints from recent issues of Pharma Marketing News and Special Supplements are available at special reduced rates exclusively to you as a subscriber to our advertising-free Reprint Notification service.
Click the appropriate “Buy Now” button to order and pay for the desired reprint online with your credit card. If you prefer to submit your order by Fax or pay by check, download the Offline Reprint Order Form.
- Announcement
- FREE Articles
- Reprints at Discounted Prices (click to see summary and order individual reprint)
- Pharma Trends to Watch in 2006
- Direct to Physician Telemarketing and Sales
- Pfizer France: Viva la SFE Difference!
Order the complete January 2006 issue, which contains all the reprints above (1, 2, and 3) for $12.95. If you prefer to submit your order by Fax or pay by check, download the Offline Reprint Order Form.
- More Reprints at Discounted Prices (click to see summary and order individual reprint)
- Free Gifts to Physicians: What’s the Big Deal?
- What Pharma Companies Spend on Gifts to Docs
- Branded Physician Education: How to Integrate Promotion and Education
- Hard Sell: The Evolution of a Generation X Salesman
Order the complete February 2006 issue, which contains all the reprints above (4, 5, 6, and 7) for $12.95. If you prefer to submit your order by Fax or pay by check, download the Offline Reprint Order Form.
- Special Supplements at Reduced Rates
3rd Annual Networking Dinner Reception
“How can I reach more pharmaceutical brand managers?”, “How can I find a job in the pharmaceutical industry?”, “Where can I learn more about pharmaceutical marketing?”
These are the most frequently-asked questions subcribers ask. The answer is: Network, Network, Network!
The best and least costly networking opportunity you may have is coming up on April 3, 2006. It’s the 3rd Annual Networking Dinner Reception hosted by Pharma Marketing Network. There wouldn’t be a 3rd one if the first two did not get such rave reviews by attendees!
This year, the site is located just 2 blocks from the Hyatt Regency where dozens of brand managers will be attending an industry conference (Pharmaceutical Marketing & Sales Summit). The dinner is being promoted to these attendees and we expect many to show up.
So, sign up today and enjoy the following benefits:
- Meet potential business partners and clients
- Promote your business — become a sponsor!
- Network for a new job!
- Meet your online colleagues
- Oh, Yeah! Great Food!
Free Articles
ED DTC: The Good Poster Boy?
To achieve better alignment with what the industry says in its PR, DTC ads must become more educational and also better at communicating risk. Oddly enough, the therapeutic category that is leading the way is the erectile dysfunction (ED) category, which has been the “bad” poster boy for the drug industry for years and exemplified everything that was wrong with DTC.
Access this article at: Pharma Marketing BlogWomen in Pharma
If you want to focus on women as an asset to your business, then look at what women can actually do really well that male leaders struggle with:
- Link [rather than rank] workers;
- favour interactive-collaborative leadership style [empowerment beats top-down decision making];
- sustain fruitful collaborations;
- comfortable with sharing information;
- see redistribution of power as victory, not surrender;
- favour multi-dimensional feedback;
- value technical & interpersonal skills, individual & group contributions equally;
- readily accept ambiguity;
- honour intuition as well as pure “rationality”; (this is one of my personal favourites, but as a male, most women already knew that)
- inherently flexible;
- appreciate cultural diversity.
Reprints at Discounted Prices
Pharma Trends to Watch in 2006
This is the time of the year when we all look into our crystal balls and try to come up with predictions for the new year. In December, 2005, for example, Pharmaceutical Executive Magazine published their 2006 Forecast based on interviews with a few experts. Pharma Marketing News also hosted its 2006 Pharma Trend Survey online beginning January 9, 2006. The Pharma Marketing Roundtable met by conference call on January 12 to discuss trends as well. This article summarizes the collective wisdom from these sources.Topics covered include:
- Survey Topline Results
- Increase in Generic Competition
- Brands Caving-In to Generic Onslaught?
- Brand Differentiation
- R&D and the Pipeline of New Drugs
- Dreaded Precautionary Principle
- FDA Regulation of DTC: To Be or Not To Be?
- Risk: I Say Relative, You Say Absolute
- New Directions Part 1: Alternative Media
- New Directions Part 2: Unbranded DTC
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Issue: Vol. 5, No. 1: January 2006
Word Count: 2589
TOPICS: Strategic Marketing & Planning | Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) Advertising & Marketing | Brand Marketing
Direct to Physician Telemarketing and Sales
When Outsourcing Makes Sense
The point of diminishing returns in the sales trench warfare has been reached. For most companies it makes no sense economically to add field staff, especially to cover “white” territories spread across large, mostly rural areas. Another option is telemarketing offered by companies such as ADG Pharmaceutical Biotech Marketing (ADG), which specializes in providing hosted telemarketing services for the pharma-ceutical, life sciences and biotech industries.
Topics covered include:
- Outsourced Telemarketing
- Demonstrable Return on Investment — A Sales case Study
- Market Research
- Seminar & Webinar Recruitment
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Issue: Vol. 5, No. 1: January 2006
Word Count: 1050
TOPICS: Product Review | Physician Marketing & Promotion | Market Research | Physician Education (CME)
Pfizer France: Viva la SFE Difference!
Our European correspondent, Denise Silber, met Annick Pichavant Ruty, VP of Sales for Pfizer France, at a recent pharmaceutical industry conference in Europe. The following interview was the result of this meeting. Surprisingly, lack of sales rep time with physicians is not a problem for Pfizer France. The company, however, had other internal issues that needed to be addressed to build an effective sales force following two mergers that doubled the number of reps.
Topics covered include:
- Pfizer France: Pharma Sales Department Stats
- Nine Enablers for Short and Mid-term Actions
Order the Full Article Reprint – $4.95
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Issue: Vol. 5, No. 1: January 2006
Word Count: 1460
TOPICS: Sales Force Effectiveness | Strategic Marketing & Planning | Physician Marketing & Promotion
Free Gifts to Physicians: What’s the Big Deal?
Authors of a recent JAMA article recommend a ban on “gifts” from pharmaceutical companies to doctors. The authors — “a group of influential doctors” from major academic medical centers — claim that gifts pose challenges to the principles of medical professionalism. Pharma Marketing News hosted an online survey and a Pharma Marketing Expert Roundtable discussion on the topic of gifts to physicians. This article summarizes the findings of that survey and includes comments and insights from survey respondents and Roundtable members.Topics covered include:
- JAMA Article Calls for Ban on Gifts
- Time to Ask the Experts — Results from the Pharma Gifts to Physicians Survey
- Gifts with High Conflict Potential
- Ghosts in the Machine
- Speakers Bureaus Are on the Cusp
- Gifts with Low Conflict Potential
- Educational vs. Promotional Grants
- Drug Samples: The “Mere Ownership Effect”
- Greasing Access
- Culpability on the Other Side
- Suggestions for Change: Ethics and Best Practices
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Issue: Vol. 5, No. 2: February 2006
Word Count: 4655
TOPICS: Physician Marketing & Promotion | Sales Force Effectiveness | Brand Marketing | Regulatory Compliance | Physician Education (CME)
What Pharma Companies Spend on Gifts to Docs
State Laws Require Declarations
At least nine states are considering bills that would require pharmaceutical companies to publicly report annual gifts to physicians, hospitals and pharmacists with California and Vermont in the lead. This report provides numbers of spending limits and average spending by major phramaceutical companies on gifts to physicians in California. Excepts from company compliance statements are also presented to give readers an idea of how pharma companies interpret the sometimes ambiguous or conflicting requirements of different states and voluntary guidelines established by PhRMA and OIG.
Topics covered include:
- Vermont Law
- What is exempt from disclosure?
- Non-prescribing Office Staff Also Covered
- Pharma Compliance with Reporting Requirements (Bristol-Myers Squibb, Pfizer, Novartis, AstraZeneca, Procter & Gamble Pharmaceuticals, Organon, Centocor)
- TABLE: Average and Median Annual Spending for 83 Pharma Companies
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Issue: Vol. 5, No. 2: February 2006
Word Count: 2261
TOPICS: Physician Marketing & Promotion | Regulatory Compliance
Branded Physician Education: How to Integrate Promotion and Education
While funding for CME may have shifted out of the control of the marketing departments at most pharma companies, there is still a desire for marketing to reach out to physicians with educational promotional programs that are more within their control. MedPoint Communications, , a marketing and educational services company headquartered in Evanston, IL, manages multi-channel, “within label medical education” programs for its pharmaceutical clients.
Topics covered include:
- Advantages of Branded Physician Education
- Multi-channel Approach
- Key Ingredients
- Online Brand Education
- Recruiting
- Features and Benefits of Online Brand Education Programs
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Issue: Vol. 5, No. 2: February 2006
Word Count: 1822
TOPICS: Physician Marketing & Promotion | Sales Force Effectiveness | Brand Marketing | Physician Education (CME)
Hard Sell: The Evolution of a Generation X Salesman
This scathing review of the book “Hard Sell: The Evolution of a Viagra Salesman,” which is a tell-a-lot-but-not-all about pharmaceutical sales, explores the connection between flagging sales force effectiveness and the generation gap between Boomers and Gen-Xers. “Dude,” read it!
Topics covered include:
- The Generation X Sales Force
- You’re in the Pfizer Army Now
- “Rep Creativity” or Questionable Sales Practices?
- Free Lunch for All – Except the Docs?
- FIGURE: “Greed Trumps Community”
Order the Full Article Reprint – $4.95
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Issue: Vol. 5, No. 2: February 2006
Word Count: 1564
TOPICS: Physician Marketing & Promotion | Sales Force Effectiveness | Brand Marketing | Physician Education (CME)