Vol. 14, Issue No. 1: January 2015 – EXECUTIVE SUMMARY
The Year 2014 in Images Pharmaguy’s Favorites from Pharma Marketing BlogEvery year Pharmaguy reviews the images that appeared in Pharma Marketing Blog and picks his favorites. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words!
In this article, Pharmaguy presents the images with context and comments, plus links, should you care to delve deeper. This is not a strict chronological presentation, but a grouping by topics of importance in 2014: DTC and drug promotion spending, drug risks and adverse events, drug industry reputation, FDA and social media regulatory guidelines, mobile apps, and drug development costs.
Topics include (partial list):
- Hot New Viagra DTC Ad Campaign
- Analysis of Promotional Budgets
- Drug Risks and Adverse Events
- Putting Profit and/or Patients First
- Social Media Guidance from FDA
- Mobile App Guidelines for Pharma
- Sky High Drug Prices
Download the full article (PDF file) here:
www.pharma-mkting.com/news/pmnews1401-article01.pdf 2015 New Year’s Resolutions for Pharma Focus on Mobile, DTC, Patients, Prices, etc.Every year, I make the same New Year’s Resolution: Stop telling every one — including pharmaceutical marketers– what to do!
Unfortunately, I have never kept that resolution. So, here’s my list of 2015 resolutions for pharmaceutical marketers. Hopefully, at least one of these will be kept, although no one is making any promises.
Resolutions (partial list):
- Forget about using Twitter to promote brand name drugs.
- Spend less on broadcast TV and print advertising and more on digital.
- If you can’t break the TV DTC over-spending habit, at least stop broadcasting commercials that embarrass the industry as a whole.
- Turn on comments on your YouTube channels/videos. Corollary: Actually have a conversation when you encourage conversation.
- Try not to break the law and pay big penalties when caught.
- Stop talking about being patient-centric” and start practicing it!
Download the full article (PDF file) here:
www.pharma-mkting.com/news/pmnews1401-article02.pdf 2014 Was a Good Year for FDA & Pharma Banging Year for Drug Approvals, Wimpy Year for Enforcement ActionsThe U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ended 2014 with a bang and a whimper.
The Agency approved a total of 41 new molecular entities (NMEs) and biologics (BLAs) in 2014, the greatest number since 1996. That was the bang. FDA, however, also ended the year with a whimper. The Agency sent out only a meager 10 advertising enforcement letters in 2014, the fewest ever.
There may be a single explanation for both phenomena: the Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA) payments to FDA from pharma. These payments now account for more than 65% of FDA’s budget for the approval and regulation of drugs.
Topics (partial list):
- Orphan Drugs Are “Where the Money Is”
- Banging Drug Prices
- Wimpy Enforcement
- Busy, Busy FDA
- PDUFA Fees vs. Enforcement
Download the full article (PDF file) here: