Vol. 13, Issue No. 9: October 2014 – EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Correcting Independent 3rd-Party “Misinformation” About Prescription Drugs Eliminate the “Influence Prong,” Says Pharma IndustryIt took the FDA more than four and one-half years to finally issue two social media guidance documents in June, 2014, that addressed the major issues discussed at the 2009 public hearing hearing on regulating the “Promotion of Food and Drug Administration-Regulated Medical Products Using the Internet and Social Media Tools.”
This article summarizes the industry’s response to the second guidance document regarding correcting and/or responding to misinformation related to a firm’s own FDA-approved products when that information is created or disseminated by independent third parties on the Internet or through social media.
Topics include (partial list):
- What is “Misinformation?”
- The Influence Prong
- What is UGC?
- Don’t Chill Our Speech, Dude!
- Wikipedia’s “Bright Line Rule”
- Hiring Agents to Make Edits
- Chart: A Process for Correcting Wikipedia Information
- The “One-Click Rule” Lives On!
Download the full text PDF file here:
www.pharma-mkting.com/news/pmnews1309-article01.pdf Boehringer Ingelheim Receives the 2014 PharmaGuy™ Social Media Pioneer Award Global Social Media Team Tweet Chats, Engages, & Tells AllOn October 21, 2014, at the Digital Pharma East Mobile Day event, PharmaGuy officially announced the recipients of the 5th Annual PharmaGuy Social Media Pioneer Award, which recognizes a pharmaceutical executive or team who has “pioneered” in the use of social media for marketing, research, or corporate communications purposes. This year’s award went to the Boehringer Ingelheim (BI) Global Social Media Team, which includes Patricia Alves, Social Media Community Manager, Jaclyn Fonteyne, Social Media Specialist, and their boss, Judith von Gordon, Head of Media + PR.
This article summarizes the social media accomplishments — despite bumps in along the way — that earned BI this coveted award.
Topics include (partial list):
- PharmaGuy Explains the Hawaiian Shirt
- Some TweetChat Tips from BI
- Using Social Media to Support Patients
- Vine Too!
- A Bump in the Road
- Honorable Mention: Thibaud Guymard, MSD France
- What’s Next
Download the full text PDF file here:
www.pharma-mkting.com/news/pmnews1309-article02.pdf A Formula for Patient-Centric mHealth Apps Eliminating the Hurdles to Developing High Quality Pharma Mobile Health AppsWhy haven’t the top pharma companies, which are so successful in marketing their products, achieved success as leading mHealth app publishers? What stands in the way of pharma developing high quality mobile health apps? To answer those questions, Pharmaguy and the Mobile Health Competence Centre in Barcelona sponsored a “debate” within the LinkedIn Mobile Health Group and a #mHealthPharma TweetChat.
This article summarizes the comments from that debate and TweetChat and condenses the learnings into one simple formula for creating quality pharma mHealth apps.
Topics include (partial list):
- Chart: The Three Groups of Pharma App Publishers
- The Quality Issue
- Chart: Consumer App Functionality Scores
- Hurdles to Overcome
- POV of Health Activists
- The Simple Formula
Download the full text PDF file here: