Vol. 13, Issue No. 5: May 2014 – EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Pharma Promotional Spending in 2013 Professional Detailing, eDetailing, DTC Advertising, Professional Meetings, Journal Advertising According to the latest Cegedim Strategic Data (CSD) Audit, the 20 pharma companies that spent the most on total promotion — which includes traditional professional detailing, eDetailing, Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) advertising, professional meetings, and journal advertising — spent a total of $14,784 Bn in 2013.
How representative is this of the entire industry? It’s difficult to say. According to CSD, the Top 20 pharma companies spent $10.1 Bn on professional detailing in 2013, which is about 70% of the $14.9 Bn CSD estimated the entire industry spent on professional detailing in 2012. On the DTC side, the Top 20 spent $3.2 Bn, which is about 85% of the total of the $3.8 Bn total 2013 DTC spend according to Nielsen data. Based on these numbers, it seems fair to say the allocation of the promotional spend — i.e., the portion of the spending pie devoted to each category — of the Top 20 spenders is representative of the industry as a whole.
Topics include (partial list):
- Pharma Not Walking the Walk, Digitally
- Minuscule Amount Spent on eDetailing
- DTC Promotional Spending
- What’s the Cost of a Sales Call by a Live Rep?
- HCP versus Consumer Promotion
- Mickelson’s PGA Standing vs. Enbrel’s DTC Spending
- Data and Charts:
- 2013 Promotional Spend Allocation of Top 20 Companies
- Percent Media Share Spend – Global, All Industries
- Annual Investment in eDetailing
- DTC Spending Trend, 2008 through 2013
- DTC Spending by Medium, 2011 through 2013
- DTC Ad Spending via Internet, 2011 through 2013
- The Top 20 Pharma DTC Advertisers in 2013
- The Top 20 Overall Promotional Spenders in 2013
- Enbrel DTC Spend vs. Mickelson PGA Rating
Download the full text PDF file here:
www.pharma-mkting.com/news/pmnews1305-article01.pdf The Emerging Virtual Medical Conference Opportunities for Pharma, HCPs and Patients “The medical conference is dead, long live the medical conference,” is the title of a SlideShare presentation by Len Starnes (@lenstarnes), a respected digital health-care consultant and former e-business leader for Bayer Schering Pharma’s Primary Care business unit. Starnes is referring to the emergence of the “virtual” medical conference, which he believes will soon be adopted in one form or another by all medical societies. Starnes predicts that virtual attendees of medical conferences will soon outnumber physical attendees.
This article describes the changes occurring viz-a-viz major medical conferences and the impact this will have on the pharmaceutical industry, medical societies, healthcare professionals, and patients.
Topics include (partial list):
- Pharma’s Stake in Professional Meetings
- Social Media Enabled Conferences
- Yesterday’s Virtual Medical Meeting
- The Digitally-Native HCP
- BI Hosts TweetChats During Conferences
- Overcoming Pharma’s Concerns
- Twitter Recognizes Boehringer Ingelheim as a Pioneer
- Pharma TweetChats Prohibited in UK
- Interview of Len Starnes
- Data and Charts:
- Virtual vs Physical Medical Conference Attendees
- Tweet Activity on #ESCcongress2013
- Tweet Activity on #ChatAFib (2013)
Download the full text PDF file here: