Vol. 13, Issue No. 1: January 2014 – EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Year 2013 in Images Pharmaguy’s Favorites from Pharma Marketing Blog
Pharmaguy Collage Every year Pharmaguy™ reviews the images that appeared on Pharma Marketing Blog and picks his favorites. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words! But rather than just presenting images out of context, Pharmaguy presents the images WITH context and comments, plus links, should you care to delve deeper.

Images include (partial list):

  • GSK: The Claes Oldenburg of Pharma
  • An Anti-DTC Crossword Puzzle
  • Pharmaguy’s Criminal & Civil Settlement Planetary Chart
  • Vasella in Aspic
  • The Pharma IT “Nazi”
  • The Typical Mobile Health App Developer
  • DTC Down the Drain
  • Pharma Sales Jack & Jill
  • FDA Director Man Who Cried “Soon!”
  • Hooter’s Waitress Tells All (About Novartis Sales Reps)
  • The Pharmaguy EU Tour Infographic
  • The Pharma Digital Hype Cycle
  • The Physician as Homer Simpson
  • Pharma’s Google+ Ghost Towns
  • On Being Too “Patient-Centric”

Download the full text PDF file here:
www.pharma-mkting.com/news/pmnews1301-article01.pdf Pharma Content Marketing Strategies Insights from Industry Experts
Content Marketing Word Cloud Every pharmaceutical company has massive amounts of disease and product-related content and many also solicit content from patients — e.g., patient stories — to help them attract and retain customers by “consistently creating & curating relevant and valuable content with the intention of changing or enhancing consumer behavior,” which is how the Content Marketing Institute defines content marketing.

This article includes insights on content marketing from pharma experts including Thibaud Guymard, Digital Marketing Manager at MSD France. Guymard has broad experience with pharma content marketing, including roles as co-creator of the Digital Health Think Tank and as an Advertising Manager at Saatchi & Saatchi Health. Guymard also assisted in developing the Pharma Content Marketing Webinar organized by Kakushin Webinars.

Topics & questions addressed include (partial list):

  • Pharma’s Content Trove
  • Diabetes Content Marketing
  • What are the current trends in pharma content marketing?
  • What is the difference between pharma content marketing for HCP and content marketing for patient outreach?
  • What are the critical legal issues in pharma content marketing?”
  • Why Content Marketing Now?
  • Turn Brochures Into Infographics
  • Content Centers of Excellence

Download the full text PDF file here:
www.pharma-mkting.com/news/pmnews1301-article02.pdf Leveraging Infographics and Search for Better Health Communications Epilepsy Foundation/Lundbeck Case Study
Neanderthal Infographic You might say that infographics predate the written word. Neanderthal cave drawings, for example, conveyed instructions for hunting animals, but you had to know the precise location of the cave to receive the instructions. Modern day infographics, of course, are far more sophisticated in their use of data powered with search engine optimization to give them greater reach and visibility.

Pharmaceutical companies are embracing infographics as essential components of their content marketing strategies, but no matter how visually pleasing an infographic is, however, it will produce little effect if it cannot be easily found by target audiences in the channels where they are most likely to search.

One example of how pharma companies can use infographics to educate their stakeholders is the Epilepsy Foundation/Lundbeck nationwide initiative to bring information about managing seizures to people living with epilepsy and their families. This article discusses how Centric Infographics worked with the Foundation to create the infographic system at the center of this successful campaign.

Topics include (partial list):

  • Synergy with Search
  • Epilepsy & Seizure Infographic Case Study
  • Impressive Results
  • Overcoming a Communications Challenge, re SUDEP
  • Leveraging Infographics

Download the full text PDF file here:
www.pharma-mkting.com/news/pmnews1301-article03.pdf FDA Publishes First Piece of Long-Awaited Social Media Guidance Focus is on Accountability
Popping Some Bubbly On January 14, 2014, the FDA published “Guidance for Industry Fulfilling Regulatory Requirements for Postmarketing Submissions of Interactive Promotional Media for Prescription Human and Animal Drugs and Biologics” in the Federal Register (Docket No. FDA-2013-N-1430).

Although the guidance is focused on when and how pharma companies should submit forms to the FDA to fulfill regulatory requirements for postmarketing submissions, it does offer some insights regarding FDA’s thinking on regulating “interactive media.”

Pundits pondered: Was this the much-anticipated guidance for how the FDA will regulate drug promotion on the Internet and social media sites?

The answer is “Yes.” A Public Affairs Specialist at FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) confirmed to several reporters that this guidance is actually PART of the long-awaited guidance that was promised after the November, 2009 public hearing and required by section 1121 of the Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA).

Topics include (partial list):

  • Postmarketing Submission Requirements
  • Internet Poses Problems for Timely Submission
  • Focus on Accountability
  • User-Generated Content, e.g. Wikipedia
  • Promotional Content on Third-Party Sites
  • Comments from Drug Industry
  • What Does This Mean for DTC Marketers?
  • When and How to Report
  • What’s Next?

Download the full text PDF file here: