Vol. 10, Issue No. 2: JANUARY 19, 2011 – EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

(Click on titles to see a summary and link to each article)

Article Summaries Up Front
Deal with Lack of Regulations by Developing Best Practices

Confused SignsPharma’s interest in social media is a global phenomenon. I’ve traveled to the UK and Germany in the past year to present at conferences about what’s happening on the pharmaceutical social media front here in the U.S. and its impact on pharmaceutical marketing elsewhere in the world.

My next trip to Europe will be to Milano, Italy, where I will speak at the 6th Annual Pharma Marketing & Branding Excellence conference on January 25.

The title of my presentation is “A Social Media Strategy: Deal with Regulations, Develop Best Practices.” When I came up with that title, I was pretty sure the FDA would have issued some guidance on social media regulations before I would make my presentation. Now, however, it appears that there will be nothing that pharma needs to deal with in terms of complying with FDA’s written regulatory guidance because there is none. So, the industry must continue to deal with a LACK of guidance. That’s fine, because guidance or no guidance, best practices in social media communications is still evolving and there will be plenty for me to talk about.

Read this entire OpEd piece here:
Strategies for Marketing Compliance
A Few Thoughts from a Physician’s Point of View

Compliance SurgeyAccording to the analysts at Gartner, it is possible that a life science company will be fined $1 billion for marketing non-compliance this year.

All pharma companies face a communications crisis that rests on the changing role of the medical sales representative. This evolution has a direct impact on the obligations of the pharma marketing organizations to be both proactive and responsive in helping to protect their organizations from the threat of non-compliance.

What can marketing do? This article offers a few thoughts from a physician’s point of view, written by Jonathan Sackier, M.B., Ch.B., FRCS, FACS who is a regular blogger at www.goodpromotionalpractices.com.

Topics include:

  • Pharma Behaving Badly
  • Good Corporate Citizens All
  • A “Reasonable” $600 Million Fine
  • TABLE: Top 2010 pharmaceutical and medical device settlements relating to off-label marketing.
  • Will 2011 Be DOJ Fine Free?
  • 4 Strategies for Compliance
  • Close the Gap Caused by Downsizing

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Getting Market Research Right in India & China
Emerging Trends

India-China CollageThis is the last in a series of three articles highlighting points made by Kantar Health executives in a recent webinar titled, “Getting It Right in the Emerging Markets: Identifying the opportunities and avoiding the pitfalls in conducting market research in new geographies.”

This article delves more deeply into the specifics of market research in India and China.

Topics include:

  • Focus on India
    • Shift to Patient-Centric Activity Urged
    • Shifting Disease Patterns Requires New Product Portfolios and New Skills
    • Heart Disease & Obesity Statistics for India
    • India’s Healthcare Infrastructure
    • India & Intellectual Property Issues
    • Health Insurance in India
    • India Market Research Case Studies

  • Focus on China
    • China’s Five-Pillar Framework
    • FIGURE: Key Drivers of China Healthcare in the Next 3 Years
    • TABLE: Differences in Attitudes & Beliefs of Sufferers in China and Japan

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Recent Posts to Pharma Marketing Blog by Pharmaguy
FDA Says There are “No simple solutions” to Speed Up Its Regulatory Guidance Process

FDA GLs Sausage machineTimeliness of issuing FDA guidance was top of mind in 2010 for the many pharma marketers who waited for social media/internet draft guidance that the FDA hoped would be released before the end of 2010. FDA took note of several comments it received stating that the timeliness of its regulatory guidance process must be improved; comments such as: “the process moves too slowly to provide meaningful information to industry.”

There may be a way to speed up the process: Pay a user fee! Seems simple enough.

What do you think? Read this post and let me know: http://bit.ly/iawrfb

Amgen Blows Its Marketing Budget on Phil Mickelson Campaign

Michelson and ENBRELPhil IS a shill for ENBREL after all! A November 2010 AMGEN/PFIZER press release made the announcement.

Whether or not Phil was on the pharma payroll when he revealed he was taking ENBREL to treat his psoriatic arthritis and also claimed “I have no aches and pains. My back feels great. I feel stronger and more flexible than I’ve ever been” is a moot point.

One thing I did learn from an insider is this: Amgen cannot afford to sponsor “a cheap and effective Web and cell phone-based patient adherence solution” because it has blown its entire marketing budget on the Phil Mickelson campaign.

Read more here: http://bit.ly/hM0gI3

Elitist Pharmaceutical Marketing

Why do pharma marketers spend millions of dollars on celebrities like Phil Mickelson to promote products to an elite audience such as golfers when the money can better be spent reaching the poorer masses huddled around their TVs watching Dancing with the Stars?

How do you measure ROI of celebrity golf sponsorships?

Learn more about this topic by reading this post: http://bit.ly/fTeZm1