Vol. 8, No. 2: February 2009 – EXECUTIVE SUMMARY


Survey: What Can the Drug Industry do to Earn Back the Public's Trust?
Survey: What Can the Drug Industry do to Earn Back the Public’s Trust?

“I blame myself andthose of us in the industry for the bad reputation that thepharmaceutical industry has,” said Ray Kerins, Pfizer’s global PRchief, during a conference presentation.

Kerins finds itincredible that despite making products designed to save lives and curediseases, the drug industry enjoys such low esteem among the public.”How in the hell do we have such a bad reputation?” was his way ofexpressing it. “It makes no sense.”

Results of a 2008Harris Interactive poll of American attitudes toward corporate Americarevealed that only 26 percent of Americans view the pharmaceuticalindustry industry favorably. 52 percent are firmly negative, whichplaces pharma slightly below big oil, and above tobacco.

Is the drugindustry’s bad reputation is deserved? What are the specific reasonswhy the public has such low esteem for the industry?

This survey attempts to answer these questions as well as get some ideas for how the drug industry can improve its public image.

Your participation is confidential (anonymous) unless you specifically provide your contact information at the end of the survey and ask to be contacted for more information.

Take the survey here: http://tinyurl.com/b9snfe

Article Summaries

Up Front My Pledge to Subscribers & Advertisers

PledgeI have decided that the best way to do well in my business — including this newsletter and the entire Pharma Marketing Network comprised of Web sites, blogs and social networking discussion boards (PMN) — is if I help my subscribers and advertisers also do well.

If I do all I can to help you today, you won’t forget me tomorrow when the economy improves.

I pledge the following to my subscribers, readers, and advertisers:

  1. I Pledge Not to Raise Advertising Rates
  2. I Pledge to Offer Subscribers and Adver-tisers More Value-Added Services
  3. I Pledge to Decrease the Number of E-mail Ads Sent to Subscribers
  4. I Pledge to Educate Subscribers and Advertisers How to Use Social Media to Communicate More Effectively
  5. I Pledge to Offer You More FREE Exposure to the PMN Community

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The View From ePharma SummitPracticing What Was Being Preached!

PreachingThe organizers of this year’s ePharma Summit practiced what they and their speakers preached by using social media tools to keep us informed about the conference. Pharma Marketing News was a Media Partner for this event and participated in the social marketing of this event.

This article is a compilation of summaries of presentations made at the event. Included are highlights posted to various blogs during the conference with insights on epharma marketing issues provided by many speakers.

Topic headings include:

  • ePharma’s Social Networking Partners
  • Angst and Risk Aversion
  • Social Media are for Passionate People
  • Policies & Guidelines
  • 10 Things I Hated (and Loved) About ePharma Summit
  • Corporate Blog is an Oxymoron
  • Elephant in Room: Resources
  • Will 2009 Be a Breakout or Bearish Year for Online Ads?
  • Seven Key Takeaways
  • How Can Pharma More Effectively Reach MDs?
  • Pharma and YouTube
  • Misconceptions About YouTube
  • FDA is Watching You on YouTube

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Building the Optimal Service Model

Creating the Right Physician Experiences to Drive Business

TNSThe vast majority of pharmaceutical companies across the US and Europesay they are moving to new customer-centric service models, which focusmore on building relationships with physicians than do traditionaldetailing models. But are doctors experiencing any real change? Whatdoes that transition mean for companies, reps and physicians? Whatshould you do differently to ensure the new models succeed? And what dodoctors really want from you?

Those were some of the topics andquestions addressed by TNS Healthcare in a recent webinar. This articlepresents a summary of this webinar and personal conversations withpresenters conducted beforehand. Included are NEW research resultsabout how US and European physicians rate pharmaceutical companiesagainst a number of customer value points that are important inachieving success with the new sales model..

Topic headings include:

  • Evolution of the Sales Model
  • The New Sales Model
  • New Measures of Success
  • Key Findings of the 2009 TRI*M™ Study
  • Hygiene, Drivers, Hidden Drivers
  • A Decline in Rep Scores Across the Board
  • What Do Physicians Value?
  • Awareness and Use of Non-Rep Channels
  • Service Model “Report Card”
  • Customer Word-of-Mouth & Market Resistance
  • Key Survey Learnings and Implications

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The New Rules of Marketing & PR

Book Review and Insights for Pharma

New RulesNow, most of you reading this are engaged in pharmaceutical marketingor PR, so you should be forewarned that this book does NOT address thechallenges we face in a heavily regulated environment. But that is notto say that the methods explored in this book are not extremelyvaluable.

As an industry, we must find ways to utilize these tools in away that is compliant with FDA regulations. The good news is we can!Let’s explore…

Topic headings include:

  • Do the New Rules Apply to Pharma?
  • Examples of “New” Rules
  • The Press Release Then, Now and Tomorrow
  • New Tools to Implement New Rules
  • Expect to Hear Many “Nos” Before Your Hear “Yes”
  • Moving from Concepts to Action
  • Traditional Methods Not Likely to Fade Away

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Sales Force Effectiveness Metrics

More Important Than Ever in a Tough Market

Shiny New FDAHans Nagl, Promotion Response Modelling Manager, Shire — a scheduled speaker at eyeforpharma’s upcoming Sales Force Effectiveness Europe 2009 summit March 3-5 — focuses on SFE metrics for Shire.

Thisarticle summarizes a recent discussion between eyeforpharma’s EditorLisa Roner and Nagl about how the current economy and changing pharmalandscape is impacting program effectiveness measures.

Topic headings include:

  • Know Who You’re Talking To
  • “Wholistic” Approach
  • Lack of Skills is a Problem
  • It Takes Sales Experience and Statistics
  • Special MBAs Needed
  • Take a Long-Term View

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