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Welcome to the January 2005 archive of Pharma Marketing News.

Vol. 4, No. 1: January 2005 – CONTENTS

Up Front


Conference Calendar

Article Summaries

Up Front – Blogging My Way Into 2005
Opinion by John Mack

I love blogging!

As soon as I read an article in the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post or some other publication, I can write down my thoughts and publish them on my blog, which is simply called Pharma Marketing Blog (

Sample posts from Pharma Marketing Blog:


Can Health Web Sites Improve Compliance?
By Mario Cavallini

For various reasons, it is hard to find a conclusively documented answer to a seemingly simple question: do interactive health education media improve patients’ health practices? In fact, a recent high-profile report attempted to answer that question and got it wrong: procedural flaws led them to an unjustified conclusion. The problem lies in seeking a broad general picture. More appropriate is to focus on the specific patient population, the distinct behaviors to be changed, and the particular tactics employed.


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Facilitating Physician Access and Education Through Online Conferencing
By John Mack

Access to physicians is becoming more and more of a problem. Doctors need immense amounts of medical information, but their patient loads limit their ability to see pharma sales reps or attend conferences or other educational activities away from their offices at such venues as local restaurants and hotels. And it is impractical to bring KOLs and experts into the physician’s office.

Recent studies indicate, however, that more and more physicians are accepting and even preferring online interactions with pharmaceutical companies. One way in which ePromotions and educational programs are delivered to physicians is through Web conferencing.

This articles reviews a proprietary web conferencing platform that, in 2005, is projected to be used for 6,000 live online events attended by some 300,000 physicians around the world.


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MSL Role in Educational Development
By Douglas L. Wicks

Medical Science Liaisons (MSLs) are in an excellent position to lead pharma-sponsored CE planning and provide educational strategy for improving patient care by furthering effective medical educational activities.

This article reviews a presentation by Bob Reina, MS, MBA, Vice President of the Veritas Institute for Medical Education, and Sharon Schneider, PsyD, MBA, Program Director, Medical Education, Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceuticals Inc., entitled “Field Liaisons Team Effectiveness, The Role of the MSL in the Medical Education Setting.”


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Motivating & Retaining The MSL: What Makes MSLs Tick
By Douglas L. Wicks

In addition to her clinical and professional role as an experienced and successful MSL for Sepracor in the Indianapolis, IN area, Erin Albert, R.Ph, MBA, has spent a considerable amount of time researching and gathering psychometric data about her peers’ job satisfaction in their current MSL roles.

Her annual Medical Liaison Job Satisfaction Survey is in queue for its third release shortly, and continues to be a growing benchmark within pharma for overall evaluation of the many drivers, that motivate, frustrate, inhibit, but most importantly, fulfill MSLs from an overall career vantage point.


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Managing Medical Science Liaisons From Afar
By Douglas L. Wicks

Managing a winning team of Medical Liaisons, MLs, from afar, not only demands proper selection of highly driven, self-motivated and scientifically-fluent professionals, but also requires a manager’s recognition and vision of ‘top-down-bottom-up’ leadership style: consistent, rapid long distance communication, a team-shared vision of goals and responsibilities, and a working foundation of trust for overall success and ML job satisfaction.

This article reviews a presentation made by Mario Sylvestri, Pharm.D, PhD, Senior Director Medical Informatics and Communications, Amylin Pharmaceuticals.


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A Web-based Therapy Management Program
By Christine Cardellino

Disease management is a complex process for pharmaceutical manufacturers, but Internet-based programs can help drive market share, sales growth, and patient compliance.

Cedric Tuck-Sherman, director of eBusiness for Baxter BioScience, discussed his company’s experience with creating and managing a web-based therapy management program for chronic diseases during a recent Patient Persistence, Compliance and Education seminar sponsored by EyeforPharma on October 19-20, 2004.


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Drug Prices, Declining Profits Top Issues for 2005
By John Mack

What impact will issues like drug reimporation, weak pipelines, decreasing profits, drug recalls, class action lawsuits, government regulation, etc., have on the course of the pharmaceutical industry in 2005?

The results of our 2005 HOT ISSUE Survey are presented in this article and compared with results from last year’s survey.


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