Article Summaries

Are Sales Reps Necessary?

It is common knowledge that sales reps are much less effective than they used to be, thanks in part to some tactics of the industry like sales pods that carpet bomb physicians with multiple reps saying the same thing. Now, the pharmaceutical industry is set to follow Pfizer’s lead and cut 10-20% of the sales force. Is it crazy to ask if sales reps are needed at all?

Topics covered include:

  • Changes Needed
  • What Are Reps Absolutely Needed For? – Poll Results
  • Sample Delivery: Reps, Internet, or UPS?
  • Babes Provide Personal Contact
  • Are Reps Worth Their Salaries?
  • Technology Makes Better Sales Rep Caterers
  • What About MSLs?

Reinventing the Sales Model

It’s unrealistic to do away with sales reps altogether, but dramatic change is needed. TNS Healthcare experts talk about moving beyond current approaches to a new sales model–one with the right balance of selling and service to forge the strong physician relationships that drive long-term prescribing.

Topics covered include:

  • Commitment is a Key Relationship Metric
  • Physician Expectations Gap
  • Measuring Commitment
  • New Capabilities Required

Sales Reps Debate Their Value

When pharmaceutical sales reps are asked about the value of sales reps, you get some surprising comments. Tghis article summarizes some of the responses – including the good, the bad, and the ugly – from CafePharma members to the question “Are Sales Reps Necessary?”

Topics covered include:

  • Docs Don’t Need Reps, But Companies Do
  • Reps Banned – Samples Be Damned!
  • Visual Aids Needed
  • Try Detailing Without Free Lunch and Samples
  • Go Back to Good Old Days
  • Working Harder, But Happier

An Online Community to Call Our Own

Pharmaceutical sales representatives have long enjoyed the benefits of online collaboration at CafePharma. Now pharmaceutical marketers have their own Web-based community where they can stay in touch with each other, debate issues, and carry on discussions – Pharma Marketing Network Forums. Find out more by reading this review.


  • “CafePharma” for Marketers-But No Potty-Mouth GossipFest!
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