Digital Pharma Is Alive and Well in Europe! Report from DigiPharm Europe 2010
EU DigiPharmFrom September 28 through October 1, 2010, over 200 conference attendees of the DigiPharm EU conference in London, heard from industry experts including marketing specialists from Lundbeck, Janssen-Cilag, GSK, Roche, Boehringer Ingelheim, Pfizer, Genzyme and Merck Serono who provided a summary of the best current practices and a glimpse at how EU pharma companies are driving digital marketing and communications forward.

This article presents highlights from the conference. It was written by Paul Jacobs who is the Director of Digital at a global medical education agency based in London. Paul is passionate about social media, digital innovations and the digital environment and is the author of Medigital blog.

Topic headings include:

  • A Call to Action
  • The ROI Problem
  • Five Steps to Buy-in Success
  • Webkey: Integrating Print and Digital
  • Wikipedia Editing and the Creative Commons
  • Roche’s Social Media Guidelines for Employees
  • Talk… and Also Listen
  • Obsessing Over Metrics
  • The Mother of All Dashboards
  • Janssen’s Social Media CHARTER
  • Everything Pharma Says is Promotional According to Some EU States
  • Global Reach
  • Pharma Turns YouTube Comments On!
  • Pfizer Engages HCPs
  • Preserving eMarketing Knowledge Within the Organization
  • Pushing Pharma Outside the Envelope
  • Waiting for Goduidance
  • Microchips and Pills
  • More Challenges Ahead

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Issue: Vol. 9, No. 8: October 2010
Word Count: 5399

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