Building the “New” Pharma Physician Marketing Model MedTera’s HC Professional “Life Long Learning” Platform
Physicians today are likely to receive drug information from a variety of sources and more often than not these sources are accessed via the Internet. Devices such as the iPhone — and soon the iPad — will make it even more convenient for physicians to receive online content.
In this new environment, eMarketing — also called non-personal promotion (NPP) — should be considered a tactic with unique advantages. “Brand teams can and should leverage the speed and efficiency of the ‘e’ channel to improve overall responsiveness and efficiency of their physician marketing programs,” said David S. Duplay, President of MedTera™, an integrated marketing solutions company. “What were now doing at MedTera is building an integrated marketing solutions company dedicated to improving education, promotion and communications in the healthcare, life science and pharmaceutical industry.”
This article reviews MedTera’s branded integrated physician marketing solutions and a summary of research on how brand teams see the mix of marketing tactics changing over the next several years.
Topic headings include:
- Upsurge in eMarketing
- Research-based Solutions
- What’s Important to Pharma Brand Managers
- What’s Important to Physicians
- Closed-Loop Marketing
- Integrated and Life-Long Solutions
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Issue: Vol. 9, No. 2: February 2010
Word Count: 2334