New Media Privacy Issues & Online Health Marketing Privacy Groups Focus on the Pharmaceutical Industry
Not Another Web CookieRecently, online privacy issues have been in the news as Congress exams whether it should enact legislation requiring a do-not-track function in Web browsers to allow consumers to opt out of the extensive data collection by Internet companies. The Wall Street Journal, for example, published a series of investigative articles on online privacy under heading “What They Know.”

What you should know is that the current focus on privacy in the new media advertising world may have a very substantial impact on marketers.

In a complaint filed on November 23, 2010, with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the Center for Digital Democracy (CDD), U.S. PIRG, Consumer Watchdog, and the World Privacy Forum called on the FTC to investigate “unfair and deceptive adver-tising practices” that consumers face as they seek health information and services online.

This article is a summary of the CDD complaint and a review of the issues. The article also ncludes a compilation of more than two dozen “innovative” online marketing products/solutions mentioned in the CDD complaint.

Topic headings include:

  • Online Privacy in the News
  • FTC Says Self-Regulation Has Failed
  • Cookies Are a Joke!
  • CDD’s Criticisms of Online Marketing Tactics
  • The Issues Transcend Healthcare Marketing
  • PMN survey results (chart)
  • CDD Demands that FTC Take Action
  • Hype vs. Reality
  • The Relevance of HIPAA
  • FTC May Weigh In on FDA’s Social Media Guidelines
  • Empowered Patients or Duped Targets?
  • Risks of Online Healthcare Marketing
  • Being Pro-Patient is the Bottom Line
  • A Cornucopia of Digital Marketing Solutions

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Issue: Vol. 9, No. 10: December 2010
Word Count: 5596

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