Pharma’s Bad Rep or Bad Rap Whatever! The Drug Industry Must Earn Back the Public’s Trust

Pharma's Bad RepOver the years, Harris Interactive has polled Americans about their attitudes toward corporate America. The pharmaceutical industry has consistently received low scores; in 2007, for example, only 26 percent of Americans viewed the industry favorably. Among the 11 industry sectors examined, only tobacco companies had a measurably lower rating.

Who and/or what is to blame for pharma’s bad reputation? And what should the industry do to win back the public’s trust?

The “How to Earn Back the Public’s Trust” survey hosted by Pharma Marketing News between February 4, 2009 and March 14, 2009 was designed to answer these questions.

This article summarizes the results of that survey, including selected comments from respondents and other commentators.

Topic headings include:

  • Royal Pain from Physicians
  • Is Pharma’s Bad Reputation Deserved?
  • What’s Causing the Bad Reputation?
  • Industry and Its Stakeholders Disagree
  • Suppression of Negative Clinical Data
  • The Media’s Role
  • Is DTC Advertising the Culprit or Just the Poster Boy?
  • What’s the Solution?
  • Transparency Is Key
  • Improve Relations with HCPs
  • The Industry Needs to Re-invent Itself
  • Don’t Look Back, Look Forward

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Issue: Vol. 8, No. 3: March 2009
Word Count: 3673

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